
‘Predatory and completely unacceptable’: Tow truck driver sexually assaulted women

A 52-year-old tow truck driver used his job to prey on vulnerable young women, going to their homes to purchase a car and sexually assaulting them.

The tow truck driver pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault.
The tow truck driver pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault.

A 52-year-old tow truck driver used his job to prey on vulnerable young women, going to their homes to purchase a car and sexually assaulting them while negotiating a sale price.

The man’s “predatory, intimidatory and completely unacceptable” offending was revealed in an appeal urgently brought on this month in which the offender argued a sentence requiring he serve five months behind bars imposed on August 1 was too harsh.

Irshadul Abdullah also claimed the sentencing judge had erred in finding that one of the complainants, who opted not to provide a victim impact statement to the court, had been adversely affected and suffered harm as a result of the offending.

But the Court of Appeal on Tuesday rejected both arguments, dismissing the appeal.

Abdullah pleaded guilty last month to two random attacks on women aged 18 and 21, committed three months apart on October 22, 2021 and then on January 13, 2022, while he was on bail for the first assault.

The first victim was home with her boyfriend when Abdullah drove past and saw her car, stopping to ask if he could buy it, making offers she repeatedly declined, stepping closer to the woman until their shoulders were touching.

“He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, looked her up and down, and said she was wearing nice clothes and that she should sell her car so she could continue buying nice clothes,” the appeal judgment said.

The woman stepped back but Abdullah wrapped his arms around her waist.

“He tried to kiss the complainant on the cheek and moved his mouth toward the right side of her face,” the judgment said.

“The applicant stepped forward and brushed his hand up her thigh, to her bottom and left breast.

“The complainant’s dog bit the applicant and he then walked away to his tow truck and left the house.”

The 18-year-old victim reported the incident to police and on November 12, 2021, Abdullah was charged and released on bail the same day.

While on bail, he attacked a 21-year-old girl who had made arrangements to sell her partner’s car to a third party for $700.

Abdullah arrived at her home to collect the vehicle on his tow truck and offered to buy the car instead for $500 while standing uncomfortably close, eventually offering $700 which she accepted.

“They completed the paperwork and, as the applicant was handing the complainant the receipt, he grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug, firmly pressing her body up against his,” the judgment said.

“The applicant had one hand on the complainant’s lower back just above her bottom, and his other hand slightly above.

“He tightened his grip and kissed the complainant multiple times on her right cheek and tried to kiss her on the lips.”

She also reported the assault to police and he was charged on February 23, 2022.

The second victim provided a statement to the court, describing how she now felt unsafe in her home, afraid of a repeat attack and how it impacted her previous feelings that she was strong and independent.

Abdullah denied his actions were sexually motivated and indicated to a psychiatrist that he was merely “showing appreciation” to the victims.

Last month, he pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault and sentenced to concurrent terms of imprisonment of 18 months and 12 months, to be suspended after he has served five months in custody.

The Court of Appeal urgently brought on the appeal hearing due to the short duration of custody imposed and noted Abdullah’s behaviour was “predatory, intimidatory and completely unacceptable”, finding the sentence imposed was appropriate.

“The repeated offending called for a strong penalty, to send a message of denunciation and both general and personal deterrence, as well as in the interests of community protection,” the appeal judges wrote.

“The sentences imposed were not manifestly excessive.”

They also rejected that the lack of a statement from one of the complainants meant it could not be inferred the offending had adversely affected her.

“The sexual assault was brazen, was not fleeting, and involved some persistence by the applicant, in the face of the complainant stepping away, moving and trying to push him away,” they wrote.

“It may readily be inferred that such a shocking, frightening and intrusive experience would have caused her harm and adversely affected her.”

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