
Pilot Josh Hoch wins appeal against one of 13 charges relating to $370k govt fraud

A Queensland man found guilty of defrauding the government of more than $370,000 by piloting illegal charter flights for high-profile politicians has won an appeal of one of the 13 charges he was convicted of.

Josh Hoch was sentenced to serve two years of a five-year sentence in prison in November last year.
Josh Hoch was sentenced to serve two years of a five-year sentence in prison in November last year.

A North Queensland man found guilty of defrauding the government of more than $370,000 by piloting illegal charter flights for high profile politicians and the electoral commission has won an appeal of one of the 13 charges he was convicted of.

Josh Hoch was sentenced to serve two years of a five-year sentence in prison in November last year after he was found guilty of three counts of fraud, one of general dishonesty, four charges of flying an aircraft without a licence and five counts of operating an aircraft in contravention of the act.

The court heard Hoch was only qualified as a private pilot when he illegally flew members of the Katter’s Australia Party including Bob Katter, Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth between 2011 and 2015.

He issued 96 invoices totalling more than $370,000 but he was not entitled to charge for the flights because he did not hold an Air Operator Certificate or have the relevant commercial licence.

The court heard Hoch was only qualified as a private pilot when he illegally flew members of the Katter’s Australia Party including Bob Katter, Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth between 2011 and 2015.
The court heard Hoch was only qualified as a private pilot when he illegally flew members of the Katter’s Australia Party including Bob Katter, Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth between 2011 and 2015.

In one instance, Hoch transported ballot materials on behalf of the Electoral Commission for the 2015 state election.

Hoch appealed against his convictions for the three fraud charges and the general dishonesty offence and against the overall sentence imposed.

The Crown conceded Hoch’s ground of appeal on the Commonwealth offence of general dishonesty, accepting the trial judge did not correctly direct the jury, but fought his appeal of the fraud charges.

In a decision handed down on Tuesday morning, the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal of the general dishonesty offence, setting aside the conviction and ordering a new trial on that count.

However Hoch lost the appeal against the remaining three fraud charges including one aggravated count, with the judges dismissing those appeals.

The court, comprised of Justices Helen Bowskill, Debra Mullins and David North, adjourned his application for leave to appeal against sentence, with both parties directed to file written submissions in light of the one successful appeal.

Hoch is currently scheduled to be released from prison in November 2024.

There is no suggestion of wrongdoing by any of the passengers Hoch flew.

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