
A close friend of a couple charged with murdering their baby boy has revealed her regret

A close friend of Noemi and Ryan Bosch, who have been charged with murdering their seven-month old baby, has opened up about how she regrets missing a call from the young mother.

Reinhardt (Ryan) Bosch and Noemi Kondacs. Picture: Facebook
Reinhardt (Ryan) Bosch and Noemi Kondacs. Picture: Facebook

A close friend of Noemi and Ryan Bosch, charged with murdering their baby boy, has told how she regrets missing a call from the young mother days before his death.

The friend, who asked not to be named, said she had been a “mentor” to Noemi for some years.

She is now helping Noemi’s grieving father to raise money via a GoFundMe appeal to pay for the little boy’s funeral.

Rhuan Bosch was seven months old when he died at his family's Yugar home.
Rhuan Bosch was seven months old when he died at his family's Yugar home.

The friend said she’d had no indication there was any risk of harm to the seven-month-old, who died on November 2.

“I’ve helped them for about five years now,” the friend said.

“I’ve helped them a lot, with a lot of time, and they know they can call me for anything. I’m always here.”

Parents Reinhardt (Ryan) Bosch, 33, and Noemi Bosch, 22, have been charged with the murder and torture of Rhuan, while Ryan has also been charged with assaulting the child with an offensive instrument causing bodily harm.

Police will allege the parents prayed over their gravely injured baby son after he was assaulted some time on November 2.

Paramedics were not called until the following morning.

“Any homicide is confronting, however when you reduce the age of the victim it certainly hits home,” Detective Inspector David Jackman said at the time.

“I’ve been a detective for 30-odd years and it’s one of the most confronting scenes that I’ve seen. People that have got children – they’re defenceless … it’s not pleasant, no.”

Rhuan Bosch was seven months old when he died at his family's Yugar home.
Rhuan Bosch was seven months old when he died at his family's Yugar home.

The friend said the couple were very religious but were otherwise “just a normal couple who got married and had a baby”.

She said the couple had sold off many of their possessions to fulfil a dream of moving to Melbourne.

“I actually missed a call from her a few weeks ago. I really regret (not answering) because I’d been mentoring her a little bit.

“I don’t know if she was seeking help. They had a very small network.”

The friend said Noemi’s father had been a very proud grandfather with strong family values.

“He was just so proud to be a grandfather,” she said.

“He just was so excited when he found out and was waiting to hear when she had him. He’s very big on family. He’d do anything for his family.”

In a tribute written for his grandson, he said: “Your name is Rhuan. Nobody will understand. The sorrow which your absence caused will never end. Nothing will be the same as before.”

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