
The Rebels clubhouse premises in Frodsham St, Albion
The Rebels clubhouse premises in Frodsham St, Albion

Blow to anti-bikie cops in keeping clubhouse shut

TOP anti-bikie cops fear a notorious Rebels outlaw motorcycle club headquarters could be back in business after a court rejected extending special police powers to keep it closed.

The court loss is a blow to the state’s Taskforce Maxima anti-bikie police, and could lead to other mothballed clubhouses being reopened across the state, says one lawyer who represents bikies.

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Police had applied to extend a “restricted premises order” over the Rebels’ former Albion clubhouse before it expired on March 9.

But just days before the deadline, Brisbane magistrate Belinda Merrin refused the application by Organised Crime Gangs Group Detective Superintendent Roger Lowe for a two-year extension.

The knock-back could impact 27 other clubhouses covered by the orders, which give police unlimited warrantless search powers and bar any criminal offender or associates from stepping foot inside.

All of the orders expired on the same date, and police would not say whether they were successful in extending any of the other orders on the other former clubhouses.

It comes amid a simmering bikie feud, after two shootings linked to rival gangs the Rebels and Bandidos and concerns about the effectiveness of the State Labor Government’s new anti-consorting laws.

There are fears bikies could be back on the move.
There are fears bikies could be back on the move.

Lawyer Michael Gatenby, who has represented other motorcycle club members with restricted-premises orders, said the Albion decision was very significant.

“I think police will be very worried, especially in light of what has been going on in recent times,’’ Mr Gatenby said.

He said other motorcycle clubs could now consider opening up their own clubhouses again.

A Sunday Mail analysis of property records found some of the 28 former outlaw motorcycle clubhouses have not changed ownership since first being outed as “prescribed places” in the former LNP government’s contentious 2013 bikie-crushing laws, which shut them all down.

When the laws were repealed in 2017, the former clubhouses automatically became “restricted premises” for two years.

Police argued in court the extra powers should stay in force for the former Rebels Albion clubhouse to “disrupt and restrict the activities of criminals” and “protect the public”.

Maxima Detective Sergeant Michael Anderson described features such as boltholes where a stripper pole once stood, a “significant” bar area and bullet holes in glass.

“Having viewed the premises I believe it could be rapidly returned to a clubhouse,” he told the court.

The two-storey house, on the corner of Frodsham and Lucy streets, is nestled among houses and industrial buildings and within 1.5km of 12 schools or daycare centres.

Organised Crime Gangs Group Detective Superintendent Roger Lowe
Organised Crime Gangs Group Detective Superintendent Roger Lowe

The clubhouse was gutted in a 2007 revenge-fuelled arson attack by rival Bandidos.

Two years earlier, police found a pump action shotgun and shells at the premises.

Det Sup Lowe told the court the house was owned by former Rebels Australian founding father John Selwyn Parker on trust for the club, though there was no official paperwork.

Mr Parker was considered a Rebels “life member” and “current and past members of the Rebels have a vested interest in the place”, he said.

Police also pointed to unsolved criminal activities; shots were fired on the empty clubhouse in the early hours of 2012 and a molotov cocktail started a balcony fire in 2016.

In another police example of disorderly activity, a criminal offender with assault and drug charges went to the clubhouse in 2011.

Det Sup Lowe told the court the weekly rental meant it could “revert to a clubhouse” at any time.

Until recently, the Albion property was rented to a businessman on a weekly basis through a Bald Hills real estate agency, according to documents seized by police during a raid on the agency.

A copy of the 2018 search warrant, shows police were investigating whether Mr Parker engaged in money laundering in relation to the Albion property. He has not been charged.

Rent was paid into a real estate trust account, according to police court documents.

Police allege a $13,000 payment was made in June 2018 from the same trust account to a Rebels member seen by police a month earlier at a suspected Rebels clubhouse in Lawnton.

Mr Parker was also in “regular contact” with Rebels president Little Mick Kosenko, according to police.

But Mr Parker, 66, who represented himself at the hearing, cross-examining Det Supt Lowe, said he was trustee of the property bought in 1985 by 15 members.

Each member pitched in $600 to secure a bank loan and it was bought “with the sole purpose of being the clubhouse for the Rebels motorcycle club,” he said.

“Not only am I still holding this in trust for the remaining 15 members but for the 50 or so who have been and gone since.”

New members were paying a clubhouse fee of about $1000 when Mr Parker left the club in about 2014.

He told the court the former clubhouse rarely attracted police attention and “has never been any risk to the public or an incident at the premises.”

Seized ammunition could have dated back to when members legally had guns and would ride out for weekend pig shoots, with shotguns tied to their bike handlebars, he said.

Mr Parker said the Albion property “may never ever be a clubhouse again’’ but he did not need police harassing his tenant, who recently gave notice to vacate.

A spokeswoman said police were seeking advice on the Albion refusal, and remained committed to targeting organised crime, including outlaw motorcycle gangs.

The Rebels’ Albion clubhouse was firebombed by rival Bandidos in 2007.
The Rebels’ Albion clubhouse was firebombed by rival Bandidos in 2007.


1985: 11 Frodsham St, Albion bought by Rebels Motorcycle Club members for their HQ.

Feb 17, 2005:Shotgun found during raid on Albion HQ.

Mar 18, 2006: Royal Pines Resort riot at Carrara between Hells Angel and Finks. Three people shot and two stabbed.

Mar 27, 2007:Albion HQ almost destroyed after being firebombed by Bandidos members.

Sep 27, 2013: Broadbeach restaurant brawl involving 60 Bandidos. Erupted after about 20 Bandidos confronted Finks. Triggers LNP bikie crackdown.

Oct 16, 2013: Campbell Newman-led LNP State Government’s contentious Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment laws pass Parliament and 28 properties linked to bikie gangs are declared “prescribed places”. Any members caught inside face up to three years’ jail.

Jul 16, 2016: Rebels’ Albion HQ balcony catches fire after being hit by Molotov cocktail.

Nov 29, 2016:Labor’s Serious and Organised Crime laws pass Parliament, replacing the VLAD laws. Introduces consorting offence, scraps a ban on bikies entering former clubhouses and brings in restricted-premises orders giving the cops special powers over the 28 properties.

Mar 9, 2017:Laws now in force. Police Minister Mark Ryan says restricted-premises orders allow police to keep clubhouses closed. Sites become “restricted premises” for two years.

Feb 26, 2019: Rebel shot up to eight times and bashed with a baseball bat at Upper Coomera.

Feb 28, 2019: Police apply to extend the restricted-premises order over the Rebels’ former Albion HQ ahead of its expiry.

Mar 6, 2019:Magistrate dismisses extension.

Mar 9, 2019: Restricted-premises orders expire. Cops say “a number” of sites are still owned or managed by bikies.

Bikies in Australia: A short history

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