Aged care home to cater for more residents
Gunther Village aged care home could be looking at an extension.
Gunther Village aged care home could be looking at an extension.
As a part of the new Aged Care System Navigator Trial Program there will be an Aged Care information session held in Kingaroy.
UNDERGOING treatment of any kind can be a stressful ordeal for people, but issues at home can also add to their worries.
A PROJECT once touted to be an Australian-first that would “reinvent” aged care in the Gladstone Region has been scrapped.
With all the negativity about nursing homes, it’s nice to shave a happy story to share
‘VERTICAL residential care’ and multi-storey school buildings could become common to the Sunshine Coast landscape.
ANTONETA Krzeva said all she wants is a sense of “normality” for her and her elderly mother.
GROUND is already being broken for one aged care development, but plans are already in place for another.
‘When I was younger I was always a sick child and I was sent to hospital a couple of times, so I wanted to become a nurse to look after sick people’
A DARLING Downs nursing home is at the centre of a scandal surrounding the quality of care given to at least four of its residents.
I OFTEN wondered what happened to people who were put in the too-hard basket, people that just don’t seem to fit in.
A DARLING Downs nursing home is at the centre of a scandal surrounding the care of at least four of its residents.
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