
Miranda Devine: Charges should be laid over the abuse of Greta Thunberg

While Scott Morrison talked sense in New York, the same cannot be said about the raving climate evangelist and UN darling Greta Thunberg, writes Miranda Devine. Someone should be arrested for child abuse.

The UN is 'taking advantage of hysterical teen' Greta Thunberg

It was a tale of two speeches, when the Australian Prime Minister and a teenage Swedish prophet of climate doom came to New York this week.

While terrified Greta Thunberg was having a meltdown at the United Nations over climate change, Scott Morrison was talking about practical environmentalism, such as reducing plastic pollution in the Pacific Ocean, ahead of his own address to the UN.

“I will be focusing very much on Australia’s response to global environmental challenges, which isn’t just about climate change,” he said. “It’s about plastics, it’s about oceans, it’s about recycling.”

Let’s hope poor Greta doesn’t hear him. She might give him her death-stare.

Youth Climate activist Greta Thunberg is clearly tormented, writes Miranda Devine. Picture: Johannes Eisele/AFP
Youth Climate activist Greta Thunberg is clearly tormented, writes Miranda Devine. Picture: Johannes Eisele/AFP

For the autistic Swedish schoolgirl, the so-called climate crisis has become a personal torment. She has taken literally what irresponsible adults have told her, that the planet is going to die in 11 years unless we stop using the fossil fuels which underpin human progress and have dragged one billion people out of poverty in the past couple of decades.

It was sad watching the diminutive 16-year-old deliver her fierce speech to the UN climate action summit.

She was genuinely distressed, face reddening, eyes brimming with tears, as she berated absurdly attentive world leaders.

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us for hope. How dare you!

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words …

“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is the money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

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Scott Morrison channels Greta Thunberg to to skip the UN Climate Summit. Artwork: Terry Pontikos
Scott Morrison channels Greta Thunberg to to skip the UN Climate Summit. Artwork: Terry Pontikos

German leader Angela Merkel was one of the many adults who rewarded this hysterical nonsense by seeking poor Greta out for a selfie.

Someone should be arrested for child abuse. It is grotesque that a child, already emotionally vulnerable due to her condition, has been so indoctrinated by adults.

Her belief that the world is going to end in 2030 is not even supported by the UN’s own IPCC report released last year.

But she does believe it with all her heart. She has taken literally the cynical scaremongering of climate activists who deliberately are using children as human shields in their mission to destroy capitalism.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the American-Australian Association in New York. Picture: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas
Prime Minister Scott Morrison at the American-Australian Association in New York. Picture: AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Because that is their real hidden agenda. The chief of staff for US Democratic socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez let the cat out of the bag last week about her signature Green New Deal — it was never about the environment.

“It wasn’t originally a climate thing at all … we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” Saikat Chakrabarti told the Washington Post.

Greta took these people at their word. How will she react in 2030 when she realises the planet is still intact?

It was also frightening to observe her fanatical fervour as she delivered her UN speech.

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Anyone who “fails to act”, she said, is “evil”, which, of course, has been a precursor through not so distant history to excuse terrible totalitarian depravity. Think Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.

“You’re failing us, but the young people are starting to understand your betrayal,” she railed. “The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say, we will never forgive you.”

Somehow, coming from a small girl in a pink shirt and ponytail braid, the words are more ominous.

Before her address to the climate summit, Greta was waiting outside when Donald Trump breezed past her in the hallway.

He was ostentatiously snubbing the climate summit, instead organising his own bespoke UN summit on religious freedom, to the consternation of climate grandees inconvenienced by the extra traffic gridlock and security that surrounds the President. It was a good way of reminding them who’s boss, when it comes to hosting and funding the UN.

Greta Thunberg stares down US President Donald Trump as he enters the United Nations. Picture: Supplied
Greta Thunberg stares down US President Donald Trump as he enters the United Nations. Picture: Supplied

But the look on Greta’s face when Trump walked past could have cut glass. It was contorted with real hatred. A video gif capturing the moment went viral on social media, as climate alarmists praised their little goddess.

Trump later tweeted a sarcastic rejoinder to the meme: “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

Morrison sensibly skipped all the climate hysterics, jetting into New York later in the day after delivering an important speech on outdated global trading rules to the Chicago Institute for Global Affairs.

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He said China’s economic growth, while welcome, means it can no longer skive off as “developing” economy in need of special dispensations. Instead it should be treated as a “newly developed” economy, with all the obligations that go with being a world power, including on climate.

“Global trade rules are no longer fit for purpose.”

At present, with China allowed to self-identify as a “developing” nation it can continue merrily to grow its emissions, while tapping into the UN Climate fund to which Australia has contributed almost $200 million.

That’s an outrage actually worthy of Thunbergian meltdown.


Originally published as Miranda Devine: Charges should be laid over the abuse of Greta Thunberg

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