The massive 3480 ha sleeping giant known as Caboolture West looks likely to be awoken after the first master planned community plans were lodged with the Moreton Bay Regional Council last month.
The major greenfield project north of Brisbane was earmarked for growth more than a decade ago and was included in the State Government’s South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 as a major expansion area.
Plans may have been fast tracked after developer AV Jennings submitted a preliminary approval with scope to build 8700-plus homes.
Below we’ve detailed everything you need to know about the major development which is set to shape Brisbane north over multiple decades to come.
How big will Caboolture West be?
The Caboolture West Local Plan is an area 3480 ha in size.
It is roughly 5km west of Caboolture and Morayfield, bounded by the D’Aguilar Hwy to the north, Caboolture River Rd to the south and low hills to the west of Old North Rd.
How many people will live at Caboolture West?
Urban population: 68,700 residents
Urban dwellings: 26,900
What is the economic value to the region?
Urban employment: 17,000 jobs
Development value estimation: $9.5 billion
Who is developing Caboolture West?
Caboolture West will be developed by a combination of the private and public sector.
Currently there are two development applications for preliminary approvals lodged with Moreton Bay Regional Council.
One by national developer AV Jennings and the other being Queensland-based company Lennium Group. Peak Urban is the planner for both those applications.
The AV Jennings DA has scope to build 8700-plus homes on 410 ha of land at 649-967 Old North Rd, Bellmere. It has an agreement with the land owner Lillian Ang for 3500 dwellings for Phase 1 of the project.
Lennium is working through its application with the council and hopes to build roughly 800 homes on a 64 ha parcel of land at 409-419 and 421-423 Caboolture River Rd.
That application has been extended to May 2020, but development manager Ian Worthington hopes to start construction by this time next year.
Stockland also owns land within the Caboolture West local plan that is earmarked to potential house 1400 lots.
Will there be schools, medical facilities and shopping centres?
The short answer is yes. Below is a breakdown of what the development is designed to look like.
The Caboolture West Local Plan area is 3480 ha, the urban area will cover 1787 ha (51%) of that area, comprising of:
• Town centre 106 ha (six per cent)
• Enterprise and employment 160 ha (nine per cent)
• Urban living 1521 ha (85 per cent)
• Six local centres
• 13 neighbourhood hubs
• TAFE and private hospital
• Three high schools
• Nine primary schools
• Rapid bus transit connection to Caboolture
• Central Green network 1070 ha (31 per cent)
• Rural living area 622 ha (17 per cent)
The Town Centre, Local Centres, and Neighbourhood Hubs will provide a full range of retail, commercial and community activities to serve the Caboolture West community.
Will new major roads need to be built to combat traffic from Caboolture West?
Again the short answer is yes.
Below are the suggestions detailed by Arup in the Moreton Bay Regional Council Caboolture West Transport Modelling Study Report (2014).
Additional traffic analysis is needed to review and confirm required transport infrastructure upgrades (and timing of those upgrades).
• The four laning of Caboolture River Rd would be required by 2021 — this
could perhaps be staged with the section west of Thornbill Drive, Upper Caboolture required by 2026.
• The six laning of Morayfield Rd would be required by 2021.
• The four laning of Bellmere Rd would be required by 2026.
• The Petersen Rd connection and upgrade would be required by 2031 to
relieve Caboolture River Rd and Walkers Rd.
• The Williams Rd connection would be required by 2031.
• Upgrades to the D’Aguilar Hwy or King St were not found to be
required for capacity reasons along these specific links, however testing of four
laning of the D’Aguilar Hwy showed that a significant level of traffic
would be attracted to the link, providing traffic reductions and potential
benefits in other areas of the network.
What other infrastructure needs to be done?
This will be the biggest factor to get the development started.
Currently there is no key infrastructure in place, such as sewer, water, stormwater and telecommunications.
Unitywater has a development sequence planned for the rollout of Caboolture West.
The AV Jennings proposal falls outside of that sequence, but it also includes the establishment of its own wastewater treatment plan to service the first 3500 homes, if approved.
Where that water will be connected is unclear at this stage.
The plans also include a telecommunications tower.
Will Caboolture West have its own rail line?
No, a rail station is not currently planned for Caboolture West. Rapid bus transit is planned; linking Caboolture West to the Caboolture centre.
When is Caboolture West likely to be complete?
Caboolture West is expected to develop for the next 40-plus years once approvals are issued (no time frame for this).
The next stage of planning and investigation for the area is ongoing.
There are no current development approvals in Caboolture West to allow urban development to commence.
How big will residential blocks be in Caboolture West?
The current zoning for Caboolture West is Emerging Community, which has a requirement for six varied lot sizes from 187.5 sqm to 1120 sqm.
It will be up to the individual developer to apply within this criteria.
Will there be an industrial area at Caboolture West?
Yes, an Enterprise and Employment Area is identified in the northeast of Caboolture West (near to D’Aguilar Highway).
This area is intended to be developed as the primary location for low impact industry to medium impact industry uses and industry employment within the Caboolture West local plan area.
Approximately 160 ha of land is identified for the Enterprise and Employment Area.
What will the development do for my property value?
It is not yet clear what the development of the Caboolture West Local Plan will do for surrounding property values given a time frame for construction is still unknown.
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