
‘Disgusting’: Childcare manager in court over toddler assault

The lead educator at a Logan childcare centre has been scolded in court for her violent treatment of a toddler under her care. But it’s what she did after the act that was truly callous.

‘Disgusting, inappropriate’ Childcare manager bashes toddler with pillow

The lead educator at a Logan child care centre has been placed on probation for her shocking, violent treatment of a toddler under her care.

Beenleigh Magistrates Court heard on May 15 that 25-year-old April Lee Horn was working at a childcare centre in the Holmview area as a lead educator.

On September 6, 2023, the Tamborine woman walked towards a male toddler, holding a pillow in her right hand.

CCTV footage played to the court showed Horn hit the child in the face with the pillow, which caused the victim to fall back onto its back.

Horn then walked away as the child cried while still on his back.

She pleaded guilty to one count of common assault for the incident and was fired from the centre.

Horn’s blue card was suspended as a result of the assault.

April Lee Horn leaving Beenleigh Magistrates Court.
April Lee Horn leaving Beenleigh Magistrates Court.

Defence lawyer David Gilmore said Horn was dealing with the anniversary of a death in the family and was visibly upset at the time.

“Her sister passed away from epilepsy 10 years ago on that date. She asked for the day off, they refused and she ended up working,” he said.

“She comes to the court of good character, is extremely upset and she was simply not herself that day.

“Ms Horn had no criminal history and the violence was at a very low level.”

Police prosecutor Sergeant Stephen Cochrane said the violence was not extreme but due to the age of the victim and Horn’s job, the offending was serious.

“The offence was serious as she was caring for the child in her employment, it’s the primary component of her career,” she said.

“The force was not excessive but due to the size of the small child, it is significant.”

Acting Magistrate Mark Whithead slammed Horn for her behaviour and negligence in her role.

“She was in a position of trust. Families place their kids in daycare, she was obviously in a bad mood and took it out on the child,” he said.

“That was disgusting, people who put their children in your care expect you to treat them properly.

“Although you were in a bad mood, it is not good enough, it was inappropriate.”

Horn was sentenced to a 12-month probation order and no conviction was recorded.

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