
Toowoomba man Isaac Bock sentenced for Grace Farley’s death in horror crash

A young man will be released in just over a year after killing a teenage girl and endangering another in a reckless crash which severed a car in two.

Isaac Bock leaves Toowoomba Courthouse. Picture: Chronicle.
Isaac Bock leaves Toowoomba Courthouse. Picture: Chronicle.

The man responsible for a young girl’s death will spend just over a year in prison before his release.

Isaac Bock, 21, was sentenced in Toowoomba District Court for dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death while adversely affected by intoxicating substances after killing Grace Farley in a high-speed crash in East Toowoomba early last year.

Ms Farley, who was 18 at the time of her death, was a passenger in Bock’s car alongside friend Leshaye Combarngo, also 18, when the vehicle collided with a tree, causing it to split in two and fling Ms Farley from the back seat.

The two women had only known Bock for a short time before the crash.

Horror crash

Crown prosecutor Nicole Friedewald told the court Bock had offered Ms Farley and Ms Combarngo a ride home after earlier that night boasting he was “off his face” on cocaine.

“He deliberately drove the car at a significant speed through an intersection and lost control,” Ms Friedewald said.

She said Bock’s blood alcohol reading was assessed to be between 0.171 and 0.229 per cent at the time of the crash.

“He said, and in fact lied, that he had not been using dangerous drugs (to police).

“What he also did at that time was suggest to police that these women were encouraging him to drive at speed, that is a suggestion that is completely rejected by the Crown.”

Defence barrister Jessica Goldie instructed by Nathan Bouchier of Bouchier Khan Lawyers, countered Bock had later told paramedics of his drug use and may have been overwhelmed at the time.

Grace was transported to Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane were she remained for six weeks, slipping in and out of consciousness until an infection took hold of her body, resulting in her death.

Bock and Combarngo received no major injuries following the crash.

Bock was an unlicensed driver at the time of the crash.

Ms Goldie said Bock suffered from severe mental health issues which had led to his substance abuse.

A loss like no other

Grace Farley was killed in a horror crash in East Toowoomba early last year. Picture: Supplied.
Grace Farley was killed in a horror crash in East Toowoomba early last year. Picture: Supplied.

Grace was remembered by her family and friends, many of whom were present in the courtroom.

Ms Farley’s mother Joanne Campbell opted to read her statement aloud.

“You choices killed my beautiful daughter,” she said.

“Watching Grace die slowly over a month was agonising.

“Every time she rallied around, we were hopeful she would recover only to be devastated when she did not recover that last time.

Ms Friedewald read the remaining statements on behalf of the family.

“I felt her cold hand until it became warm again and then I felt it go cold again six weeks later” Ms Farley’s father Nicholas Farley wrote.

“You killed my baby sister, nothing in the world will ever bring justice for what your negligence has caused me and my family,” Ms Farley’s older sister Ebony said.

“You have stolen my other half,” Ms Farley’s twin Matilda wrote.

“We were born together, had our first breath together and, because of your recklessness, I watched her have her last,” she said.

Ms Combarngo talked of her struggles in the aftermath of the crash.

“Why not me, I thought to myself everyday and I’m still currently doing to this day – why did Grace have to go?” she wrote.

While Bock read an apology to the court, several family members and Ms Combarngo exited the courtroom.

“Since the accident, I’ve spent every day of my life trying to come to terms with the fact that my mistakes have caused so much heartache,” Bock said.

“There have been many days I wish my life would end, instead I’ve chosen to focus on becoming a better person to our community.”

Family declare “no justice” served

Bock was sentenced to five years imprisonment, suspended after 16 months served in custody and released on good behaviour conditions for an operational period of five years.

He was also disqualified from holding a driver’s licence for five years.

Outside the courthouse, Ms Farley’s family criticised the court’s decision.

“We don’t believe there has been justice,” Ms Campbell said.

Originally published as Toowoomba man Isaac Bock sentenced for Grace Farley’s death in horror crash

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