
Christopher James Peters pleaded guilty in Toowoomba District Court to two armed robberies

A 28-year-old Toowoomba man pretended to be armed during two robberies that were committed when his judgment was ‘heavily impaired’, a court has been told.

Australia's Court System

Significant mental health issues will preclude a 28-year-old Toowoomba man who pleaded guilty to two armed robberies from spending any further time in jail.

Christopher James Peters had spent a total 159 days in custody after the second armed robbery but was eventually granted Supreme Court bail, Toowoomba District Court was told on Tuesday.

His barrister Scott Lynch told the court that time in custody was more difficult for his client than for someone without his mental health issues and his client didn’t want to go back to jail.

Crown prosecutor Shontelle Petrie said Peters had gone to an Ampol service station in Toowoomba on the night of October 14, 2021, and pretended to have a firearm when demanding cash from the console operator.

Christopher James Peters was sentenced in Toowoomba District Court on June 13, 2023.
Christopher James Peters was sentenced in Toowoomba District Court on June 13, 2023.

The then 27-year-old had left with $250 cash but as soon as he got home, he told his carer what he had done and police were called, she said.

Peters was released on watch-house bail on that matter but just 17 days later he had attended an IGA and, again pretending to be armed, had a cashier hand over $656.90.

However, he was a short time later found by police walking in Toowoomba’s CBD and arrested and taken into custody, Ms Petrie said.

The robberies were “unsophisticated” and Peters had not tried to disguise himself at any time, she said.

Peters pleaded guilty to two counts of armed robbery.

Mr Lynch told the court his client was still subject to a mental health treatment order and the support of carers three times a week.

He had also spent time in Baillie Henderson Hospital and at the time of the first offence Peters had been upset with being placed where he was at the time.

At the time of both incidents, his client’s judgment was “heavily impaired”, he said.

His client had been living in a caravan at Oakey but would soon move into a unit in Toowoomba which was more appropriate for him, he said.

Mr Lynch submitted his client be sentenced to a jail term but released on immediate parole so he could have the close supervision in the community that a parole order provides.

Judge David Kent KC noted by reports provided to the court Peters had been using meth almost daily at the time and he had in the past used cannabis.

Judge Kent sentenced Peters to three years in jail but, declaring the 159 days of pre-sentence custody as time already served under the sentence, ordered he be released on parole immediately.

Originally published as Christopher James Peters pleaded guilty in Toowoomba District Court to two armed robberies

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