

Happy ending after Warwick Redbacks AFC targeted by thieves over the weekend on eve of season start

There’s been a happy ending after a community sporting club was being hit with a devastating blow on the eve of their season starting. See how the community stepped up.

The Warwick Redbacks are a stalwart of the sporting community with the club the target of a break-in.
The Warwick Redbacks are a stalwart of the sporting community with the club the target of a break-in.

A historic and beloved sports club that had been targeted by heartless thieves in the past week, resulting in a horror blow on the eve of their season starting, has received some happy news.

Australian rules side Warwick Redbacks AFC were broken into overnight on April 15, with offenders stealing property from the clubhouse.

The club confirmed they had been targeted, and in a heartless move by the thieves a defibrillator was stolen from the premises.

Warwick Redbacks clubhouse.
Warwick Redbacks clubhouse.

The Redbacks confirmed over the weekend they had been gifted a new defibrillator by AFL Darling Downs.

“(We) just want to say a huge thank you to the many individuals, organisations and business houses that reached out to our club to offer help and support after our horrible start to the week,” the club said.

Local bank Warwick Credit Union also supplied the sporting outfit with a new security camera system in an act of “wonderful generocity”.

“These kind gestures, along with the other contributions from other individuals and businesses we will be forever grateful for,” the club said.

“We are very fortunate to be part of such a great community both locally in Warwick but also as a wider sporting community.”

Besides the cost of the healthcare item, which was worth more than $1000, the item is used to keep players, club staff and the community safe.

Club president Shelly Doyle said the move was “heartbreaking” and was a sure kick in the guts for a community organisation trying their best and due to kick off their 2024 season in a matter of days.

“All of the other bits and pieces, we really don’t care about, but the defibrillator is not a cheap thing. The miscellaneous items can be replaced, while the defib is costly,” Ms Doyle said.

“We have it on site for the protection of everyone, and for someone to take that away is harsh, we have it on site for the sake of people playing sports, volunteers and spectators.”

It’s a tough blow for the Aussie Rules club, which alongside a number of other Warwick sporting clubs were targeted in a break in at the beginning of the year, and are still counting costs relating to flooding damage.

“We all got broken into a few months ago alongside other clubs it’s so disheartening, we are volunteers and we don’t get paid for what we do, to go and do that is cruel,” Ms Doyle said.

A Queensland police spokesperson confirmed the club had been the target of a break-in.

“The offenders are believed to gained entry via a toilet window, and a quantity of property was stolen, including a defibrillator,” a Warwick police officer confirmed.

The police spokesperson confirmed police were investigating the matter.

Warwick Redbacks play Ipswich Cats at the 2021 Cardinal Cup at Warwick Credit Union Oval.
Warwick Redbacks play Ipswich Cats at the 2021 Cardinal Cup at Warwick Credit Union Oval.

The community offered an outpouring of support in wake of the news, with Club Warwick RSL offering to help, and many members of the community offering to donate to supply a new piece of the equipment.

“Bloody disappointing to hear after all the hard work from previous and current volunteers and community,” a commenter wrote.

“If anyone hears, sees or knows any information in regards to this incident, if you could inform the local Warwick Police on 4660 4444 or Police Link on 131 444 or even make us aware, it would be greatly appreciated,” the club said.

AFL Darling Downs have been approached for comment.

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