
Jaime John Abbas, Robert Gordon William Betts-Coghlan, Jakob Daniel Fogarty charged over months-long burglary spree

Three of the four men charged earlier this month with close to 90 offences over a months-long string of break-ins and thefts at rural properties have been identified for the first time after appearing in court. FULL DETAILS:

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Three of the Warwick men accused of a months-long string of burglaries and arsons across the region have been identified for the first time after appearing in court.

Jaime John Abbas, 27, Robert Gordon William Betts-Coghlan, 21, and Jakob Daniel Fogarty, 21, have all had their matters mentioned in Warwick Magistrates Court within the past several days.

Mr Betts-Coghlan is charged with 31 offences, including entering a premises or dwelling by break and committing an indictable offence, entering premises with intent, stealing, and a number of drug- and traffic-related charges.

His co-accused Mr Abbas faces four charges of entering a dwelling or premises and committing an indictable offence and two each of entering premises by break, receiving tainted property, and unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

Jaime John Abbas, 27, is one of four Warwick men charged over a string of burglaries at rural properties across the region. Picture: Facebook
Jaime John Abbas, 27, is one of four Warwick men charged over a string of burglaries at rural properties across the region. Picture: Facebook

He is charged with a further one count each of arson of a motor vehicle, possessing dangerous drugs, and possessing drug utensils.

Mr Fogarty is charged with a total seven offences including arson and unlawful use of a motor vehicle, entering a dwelling and committing an indictable offence, and stealing.

It will be alleged the three men broke into a number of rural properties to the west and north of Warwick between March and July this year, moving from Rosenthal Heights up to Massie, Allora, and Clifton during the spree.

The trio was charged earlier this month following a lengthy investigation by the Warwick CIB, with Detective Sergeant Glen Roche saying at the time police would allege the men were predominantly targeting sheds and outbuildings to steal vehicles, tools, and guns.

Police will also claim the men were involved in a string of meth-related offences.

A fourth man was charged at the same time as his co-accused, but he has not yet appeared in court.

Mr Fogarty was the only one of the group to be remanded in custody following the charges, and did not appear in person when his case was most recently mentioned.

Defence lawyer Amber Acreman told the Warwick court that the case was likely to resolve in the coming weeks, and asked for an adjournment to take further instructions before being able to list the matter for a lengthy sentence date.

The 21-year-old will remain in custody until his case is next mentioned on August 3.

Mr Abbas and Mr Betts-Coghlan’s cases were also adjourned, allowing the former to complete a Legal Aid application and both to obtain further legal advice before proceeding.

Their matters will next be mentioned in Warwick Magistrates Court on September 7 and August 8 respectively.

Both men will remain on bail until their next appearance.

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