
Laura Mellissa Monaghan faces magistrate on fraud charges on dodgy car financing forgery

A Warwick woman who used her own mother to con a company into giving her a new vehicle has been slammed for her low act after racking up the huge debt.

Australia's Court System

A Warwick woman used her mother’s identity to scam herself a new car and then refused to make a single payment on the vehicle.

Laura Mellissa Monaghan defrauded a finance company by falsifying identity documents and claiming to be her own mother.

Defence lawyer Bonnie O’Brien told the court the 27-year-old submitted her mother’s licence and amended pay slips in her mother’s name for car finance.

The car was seized by police and later sold by the finance company at a considerable loss, leaving a balance of $17,942.

“My instructions are that she wouldn’t be approved for the debt and thought that with her mother’s credit history she would have a better chance of getting the finance approved,” Ms O’Brien said.

Magistrate Virginia Sturgess questioned Monaghan as to why she had never made a single payment on the car.

“Why did she use her mother’s driver’s licence? Is it because she had no intention of paying of ever paying the debt back?” Ms Sturgess asked.

“There’s no explanation here on why it was necessary for her to do this in the name of her mother, other than she never intended to pay the debt and blame it on someone else.”

Ms O’Brien said Monaghan instructed she experienced ‘serious’ mental health issues.

“Do you have any proof of that? Or is it just what she told you?” Ms Sturgess asked.

“She’s clearly a liar, so why would I believe anything she has to say?

“Funny how people manage to get the money and spend it, but never seem to pay it back.”

Ms O’Brien said Monaghan was prepared to make restitution on the outstanding amount, but said she would need time to do so due to her financial situation.

Monaghan pleaded guilty to fraud.

The matter was adjourned until later this month to allow time for relevant medical information to be provided prior to sentencing.

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