
Jason Lee Pratt sentenced in Warwick Magistrates Court for stalking woman, fraud charges

A mechanic’s stalking has been exposed in court, with his terrifying harassment including following a woman to dinner, bombarding her with messages and standing outside her place of work.

Australia's domestic violence crisis

A disturbing stalker, who harassed and tracked a woman, even at one point standing outside a business to watch her eat dinner, has been sentenced after his frightening crimes came to light.

Jason Lee Pratt pleaded guilty to one charge each of unlawful stalking and fraud via videolink from custody on September 20.

The father-of-four’s campaign of terror commenced on July 3, and continued for almost three weeks, beginning shortly after the man moved into the woman’s house with her family.

The court was told Pratt had a “brief” relationship with the woman, which ended prior to the offending.

The mechanic began stalking his victim shortly after the relationship ended, but soon ramped up, including calling and “continuously” messaging the woman.

Disturbingly, the court was told the man was seen loitering outside her place of work, waiting for her to come out.

CCTV caught the man inspecting her vehicle in the carpark and creepily watching her from outside a Warwick venue.

“Are you enjoying dinner with your new boyfriend?” Pratt messaged the woman.

The man used social media sites to harass the woman, writing terrifying messages like “I’m never going to leave you”, “you’re forcing my children to live on the street” and accusing the woman of cheating.

Defence lawyer Clare Hine noted the man was a single father.

Ms Hine also said Pratt was on a disability pension, “but worked with his brother who is a qualified mechanic for extra income”.

“She was scared of you,” magistrate Virginia Sturgess told Pratt.

“People are entitled to move on. You have a sense of entitlement to have contact with (the woman) when she made it clear she didn’t want to talk to you.”

Ms Sturgess noted Pratt had a criminal history stretching back to 2006 and his offending had “no excuse”.

“You have absolutely no right to badger, harass and manipulate her in the way that you did,” she said.

Regarding the fraud charge, it was revealed that on April 3, Pratt gave a man an $800 quote to fix a station wagon.

Pratt agreed to replace the engine in the vehicle and was seen driving the vehicle, leading the victim to contact the man, who demanded a further $2000 for a new motor he had installed.

Following the return of the vehicle, the victim noticed the number of the part was the same, revealing that clearly he had not put a new motor in the vehicle.

Pratt was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, but was released immediately on parole.

Convictions were recorded.

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