
Daniel Patrick James Markey sentenced in Warwick District Court after terrifying month long attack on woman

A violent man who threatened to murder a woman if she dared exposing his terrifying abuse has been jailed after a month of horror was exposed. WARNING: DISTRESSING.

Australia's domestic violence crisis

A Warwick man’s horrific, “violent” offending on a woman has been exposed, with a court told the man threatened to kill his victim if she ever told anyone.

Daniel Patrick James Markey pleaded guilty in Warwick District Court to four charges, including stalking, assault occasioning bodily harm and common assault on Monday.

The following day, during the man’s sentencing, Markey pleaded guilty to a further seven charges of contravening a domestic violence order.

Crown prosecutor Sam Rigby detailed how the Warwick man’s offending occurred at Maryvale, as well as Mt Mee, during November 2020.

Daniel Patrick James Markey outside Warwick Magistrates Court on Monday 13 November, 2023
Daniel Patrick James Markey outside Warwick Magistrates Court on Monday 13 November, 2023

The Crown detailed how the 41-year-old had a disturbing history including prior charges of drug offences, and a domestic violence incident in the past.

“Violence stemmed from jealousy, which is a consistent theme in this offending … a normal relationship turned into an abusive one,” Mr Rigby said.

On one of the first occasions of offending, Markey, who had only met the woman around six months prior, sent her a text message on October 11, 2020, calling the woman a “a piss weak snitching, narky dog c--t”.

“Rot on a nest of puss, you maggot,” the message read.

“Why did you make me nearly kill you?”

The stalking period began on November 6, 2020, where a significant chunk of the violent offending occurred.

The court was told that on the car trip to a party in the bush, Markey and the woman were driving, when suddenly the man made “racist remarks” towards her, and accused her of cheating.

Markey then dragged the woman out of the car onto the side of the road, causing injury before attempting to drive off.

The woman jumped into the car, to which Markey put the woman in a headlock, and told her “I’ll kill you c--t”.

“Not content with his conduct, he has then reached into the back of the car and retrieved a cord, wrapping it around her neck for a period of time which left a bruise,” Mr Rigby said.

Daniel Patrick James Markey outside Warwick Magistrates Court on Monday 13 November, 2023
Daniel Patrick James Markey outside Warwick Magistrates Court on Monday 13 November, 2023

Markey began crying and apologising to the terrified passenger, and said “why did you make me nearly kill you?”

“You’ve got to get away from me right now, I cannot even look at your face - I am going to hurt you,” Mr Rigby said, recounting Markey’s words.

On the way home from the party, Markey began being physical with the woman in order to get her to return home with him, pulling at her clothes to “the point where others had to intervene”.

“I’ll make you disappear”

November 13, 2020 was the day in which Markey was to attend the address to retrieve his property from the woman after the pair had separated, but upon arrival the court was told Markey instantly became aggressive and agitated.

The woman was terrified of the man, and had a friend with her to ensure he couldn’t commit any offending. However, the friend would leave that evening, and Markey would begin to terrorise her again.

“That evening he made threats to kill and rape (the woman), and said to her ‘if you call the cops, I’ll make sure you get knocked off, where I work I see teeth and hair scrape on the cement often’,” the Crown detailed.

“Do you get that, c--t? I’ll make you disappear or just f--king kill the coppers that come to rescue you,” the court was told Markey said.

Later that evening, Markey told the woman if she didn’t have sex with him, he would rape her, which was interrupted by the woman’s young child entering the room and crying.

He grabbed the woman by the hair, ripping part of her hair from her scalp, and demanded oral sex. He then struck her with a punch.

Over the next several hours, the man had created a “terrifying, volatile environment in a place where the woman should’ve felt safest,” Mr Rigby said.

Warwick Magistrates Court. (Photo: File)
Warwick Magistrates Court. (Photo: File)

“I’ll murder your children.”

The next day, on November 14, the man made a disturbing threat after ringing the woman on the phone.

“I’m coming up tonight, and if he’s there I’m going to murder your children, then I’ll rape and murder you, I’ll murder the guy you left me for, then I’ll kill myself,” Markey said in a terrifying phone call.

The woman was so fearful she dared not stay in the home.

Weeks later on November 29, the man sent her an email begging for her not to send him to jail.

Over about three weeks, the man had caused a “significant amount of emotional distress” to the woman, Mr Rigby said.

“Her mental health deteriorated, she refused to leave the house and eventually had to go to hospital for a period,” he said.

Judge John Allen KC told the man his behaviour deserved a “strong message which needed to be sent” and noted the man’s prior offending.

Judge Allen also said there was a “reasonable prospect of rehabilitation” for the man.

After a lengthy sentencing, Markey was ordered to be imprisoned for two years and six months for all charges.

Judge Allen declared 85 days in custody as time served.

As Markey was being lead away in handcuffs by officers, he spoke briefly through tears to two members in the gallery, and told them “I should have gone to trial” and “see you in seven months”.

Markey will be released on parole on June 13, 2024.

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