
Sunshine Coast school captains reveal future plans

From aspiring pilots to engineers, 50 Sunshine Coast school captains from primary and secondary levels are dreaming big as they reveal their future plans and aspirations. FULL LIST

Sunshine Coast’s school captains of 2023 have shared their bold plans for the future.
Sunshine Coast’s school captains of 2023 have shared their bold plans for the future.

From aspiring pilots to engineers, this year’s cohort of Sunshine Coast school captains have revealed bold plans for the future.

Read what the next generation of leaders have planned for the future here.


Talara Primary School

Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Aleah Botfield.
Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Aleah Botfield.

Aleah Botfield, 11

How was your year as school captain?

Being school captain made me get out of my comfort zone and make a lot of cherished memories that I will carry with me forever.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed being part of a school community that I wouldn’t have been a part of if I wasn’t a leader. I have learnt that confidence is the key to success. Without confidence I wouldn’t have been able to make speeches or talk to guests or go to public events. I have learnt to be an independent young leader who is not afraid of sharing my ideas with the world.

What are your plans for the future?

I am planning on going for school captain in high school to try and expand my leadership horizons in the future, because I do want to have leadership as a part of my life in future years.

Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Luca Keir.
Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Luca Keir.

Luca Keir, 12

How was your year as school captain?

It was a really enjoyable experience for me as I got to get out of my comfort zone and faced new opportunities to help build my confidence. I made lots of memories that I’m sure I’ll carry with me forever.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed meeting new people and being a part of leadership team. Throughout my experiences and speeches that I have done, I have learnt that you should always give things a go and to know that there will always be someone to lend a helping hand. For example, without the help and support of my teachers, parents and fellow peers, I wouldn’t have gone for this leadership role, so I am extremely grateful for this opportunity.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan on going for School Captain or another leadership role in high school.

Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Sterling Harrison.
Talara Primary School 2023 School Captain, Sterling Harrison.

Sterling Harrison, 12

How was your year as school captain?

This year as school captain has been a year in the spotlight with everyone counting on you and leading others to success.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have thoroughly enjoyed having to deliver numerous formal speeches as that is where I shine. I have learned many different things that I will use later in life e.g., speech writing, leadership skills etc.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan for the future is all about helping people. I would like to be in the special forces protecting my country and going to war-torn places, restoring order and helping evacuate the civilians.

Talara Primary School Captain Mason Walker
Talara Primary School Captain Mason Walker

Mason Walker, 11

How was your year as school captain?

It was a very exciting year for me as school captain, we presented a range of speeches from Anzac Day Speeches to Prep night speeches.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

Before I took the role as school captain this year, I was very nervous about public speaking in front of large crowds. As I progressed through the year, my fellow school captains had encouraged me and now, I am more confident when presenting to larger groups of people.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to finish high school at Kawana Waters State College and gain access to the University of Queensland to study financial law. Eventually I would like to become a highly ranked financial lawyer that can help people in need.

Kuluin State School

Kuluin State School 2023 School Captain, Owen West-McInnes.
Kuluin State School 2023 School Captain, Owen West-McInnes.

Owen West-McInnes, 12

How was you year as School Leader?

It was great, Mr Harvey was my teacher and helped me have a great year. I had fun on parades, I also loved chatting with my fellow comrades (school captains). All in all, a great year.

What have you enjoyed about being a School Leader and what have you learned?

I have learned that a bit of enthusiasm goes a long way, I have enjoyed putting energy into what I do and being funny (looking). I know that if you are excited towards awards, kids will be more too.

What are you plans for the future?

I want to be a lego master and a guitar teacher to kids. I grew up loving lego and want to keep building my creations. I am also quite good at guitar and want to keep improving my skills.

Kuluin State School 2023 School Captain, Jasmine Royle.
Kuluin State School 2023 School Captain, Jasmine Royle.

Jasmine Royle, 12

How was your year as School Leader?

My year as school captain has been amazing and successful.

What have you enjoyed about being a School Leader and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed giving back to the school and taking pride in my new role. I have learnt it not as easy as it seems taking on the role of school captain.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan for the future is to make the world a better place by finding a cure for a deadly disease.

Sunshine Beach State School

Sunshine Beach State School 2023 School Captain, Oliver Hale.
Sunshine Beach State School 2023 School Captain, Oliver Hale.

Oliver Hale

How was your year as School Leader?

I have had a great year of achievements and goals I have completed and made Sunshine Beach the best I could.

What have you enjoyed about being a School Leader and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed showing people around and organising events like Prep Open Day and the Anzac Day march. I have learned that words can mean nothing if there is no action being done.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan on being School Leader of my future high school (SBSHS) and to be the best person that I can be.

Sunshine Beach State School 2023 School Captain, Eli Hutchinson.
Sunshine Beach State School 2023 School Captain, Eli Hutchinson.

Eli Hutchinson

How was your year as School Leader?

My year as a school leader was absolutely the best year yet! I would 100% still take on the duties of the leadership role in a heartbeat and will continue to have no regrets on this exciting role choice, striving to be a role model and helping my peers and staff when needed.

What have you enjoyed about being a School Leader and what have you learned?

I learnt valuable life and organisational skills when co-ordinating jobs like organising/participating in assemblies and special school/public activities. Some of the multiple life lessons I learnt included leadership, how to take charge in certain situations but still being mindful of others and teamwork.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans are varied, consisting of multiple academic achievements like participating in the STEM scholarship and Crest as well as the Musical Excellence programs at my new High School, but also thriving to be the best version of myself in my desired sport, soccer.

Pomona State School

Pomona State School 2023 School Captain, Finn Jackson.
Pomona State School 2023 School Captain, Finn Jackson.

Finn Jackson, 12

How was your year as school captain?

I’ve loved my year as school captain of Pomona State School. I have enjoyed belonging to a leadership team of amazing people.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed being a role model to younger peers and having them look up to me. I have learnt how to juggle multiple responsibilities and work together with my fellow student leaders to create a strong leadership group throughout our school.

What are your plans for the future?

I will be attending Noosa District High School next year, and I am hoping to be selected into their summit class.

Pomona State School 2023 School Captain, Lola Yllera.
Pomona State School 2023 School Captain, Lola Yllera.

Lola Yllera, 12

How was your year as school captain?

Great! I think I succeeded with my roles as school captain and just had a really fun time doing it.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed the responsibility and sharing my own and other students opinions in the student council meetings. I feel like I have learned a lot about myself and my capability to speak in front of others. Being a school leader has taught me that students really can make a difference.

What are your plans for the future?

I am not quite sure yet, but I know I want to be a performer of some sorts – maybe an actress.

Bli Bli State School

Hudson Foster, 12

How was your year as school captain?

I greatly enjoyed being school captain.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I enjoyed representing my school and I have learnt to be a better public speaker.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to be School Captain for my high school.

Mackenzie Miller, 11

How was your year as school captain?


What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I really enjoyed being able to guide the younger children through the year.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to join the Australian Netball Team.

Woombye State School

Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Parker James.
Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Parker James.

Parker James, 11

How was your year as school captain?

My year as a school captain was incredibly enjoyable and I’ve had no regrets whatsoever of my decision to become a school captain. Over the year, I have been facing fun challenges like the ANZAC dawn service. It was an honour to represent our school in the ceremony.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

Being a school captain has given me great joy. A main reason is from the activities I have been privileged with, such as, representing our school at the Anzac Day dawn service and the march, running the parades twice a week for my fellow peers, and walking the walk for Daniel Morcombe.

What are your plans for the future?

In the near future when I go to high school there will be only one thing I will be leaving behind, a role-model of myself for others to look up to and be inspired for next years generation of school captains. I may be at rock bottom when I start high school, but it’s nothing but a fresh start and I’m looking forward to trying out for school captain in grade 12.

Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Summer Anderson.
Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Summer Anderson.

Summer Anderson, 11

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain was amazing. Being school captain really helped me to strive to be the best person I can be. It feels so great to represent my school. As a school leader. I love being a role model for the younger students.

What have you enjoyed about being school captain and what have you learned”

I have enjoyed setting up for parade with my fellow school captains. As well as setting up I have also loved talking on parade to my peers. I have learnt so much from this experience including respect for my classmates and teachers and how to set a good example. I love being school captain because it brings out the best in me and my peers feel they can talk to me about any problems or if they need a friend.

What are you plans in the future?

When I grow up, I want to be a famous dancer and travel overseas. If I don’t achieve this, I would love to be a vet. I want to be a vet because I have always had a passion for animals.

Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Caleb Carmichael.
Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Caleb Carmichael.

Caleb Carmichael, 12

How was your year as school captain?

An amazing year at school and I enjoyed hosting parade every Thursday and Friday.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

One thing I have enjoyed as school captain is running parades. From this, I have learnt more about public speaking. It used to be extremely nerve racking but now I’m used to speaking in front of a crowd.

What are your plans for the future?

I want to start my own business when I’m older.

Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Ayla Bates.
Woombye State School 2023 School Captain, Ayla Bates.

Ayla Bates, 11

How was your year as school captain?


What have you enjoyed about being school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed the parade running and have learned what it takes to lead, and how to be a leader.

What are you plans for the future?

I don’t currently have any plans, other than being #1 Gummy bear queen!

Beerwah State School

Victoria Henninger, 11

How was your year as school captain?

I had a fantastic year serving as the School Captain in Year 6 at Beerwah State Primary School. It was an incredible experience filled with both challenges and rewarding moments. As School Captain, I had the opportunity to lead my fellow students in various school activities, represent our school at events, and work closely with the teachers and staff to improve our school environment.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I enjoyed helping to organise school assemblies and fundraisers. It was a year of growth and learning, where I developed important leadership and communication skills that I will carry with me throughout my academic journey. I’m grateful for the support of my teachers, peers, and family throughout this remarkable year.

What are your plans for the future?

As a school captain leaving primary school, my plans for the future are centred on further personal and academic growth. I have gained valuable leadership and organisational skills during my time as school captain, and I aim to continue developing these skills in High School. I’m looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities that await in the next stage of my education.

Charlie Turner, 11

How was your year as school captain?

Being school captain has helped me with my confidence and I have grown my self-esteem.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed being a school representative at community events such as the Beerwah Anzac Ceremony and the school Easter egg hunt. I have also enjoyed my responsibilities at school, helping fellow students of all grades with their learning.

What are your plans for the future?

I start at Beerwah State High School next year and if the opportunity is presented, I would nominate again for school captain. I will also continue my flight training at home and at Gofly Caloundra.

Mooloolaba State School

Mooloolaba State School Captains Patrick Purcell and Swan Son.
Mooloolaba State School Captains Patrick Purcell and Swan Son.

Patrick Purcell, 12

How was your year as school captain?

It was a great year with many fun activities and learning experiences. I had the chance to be a leader at many school events and I also represented the school at community events such as the Anzac Day ceremony. My favourite thing was representing the school at inter-school cricket and getting to know people in our school community.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned? I have enjoyed seeing the looks on the younger kid‘s faces when they see us around the school. It is nice that they look up to us. As a leader, I’ve learned new skills, and I have improved my public speaking. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had this year.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m not too sure yet. When I think of what I want to be I want to do something I really love, otherwise there’s no point in doing it. I am looking forward to starting high school at St John’s and then I want to go to university. I also want to get my bronze and continue being involved in Maroochydore SLSC.

Swan Son, 12

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain was amazing! As someone who is not originally from Australia, being chosen to be school captain for 2023 made me feel incredibly valued and honoured to have such a big role. Participating in Leadership Day with Jack Reed and doing leadership activities about inspiration and personality, I learnt a lot about who I am and what kind of leader I should be. Representing the school for the Anzac.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

My favourite parts about being school captain was socialising with other students from our school who are not only from the higher grades, but also the lower grades. Helping them with their Athletics Day and School Play was a small event at our school but I felt like it was more than just an event, I made so many great friends from all ages and backgrounds that I will be keeping in touch with even after I graduate. From being school captain this year, I’ve learnt that it is a privilege to help others and bond with them.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are very similar to the plans I had at the start of the year; I would very much like to be able to apply myself to become a leader at my high school. I would also love to train and practise further to become a professional netball player or a digital artist as a career.


Beerwah State High School

Beerwah State High School Captain Riley Ferguson.
Beerwah State High School Captain Riley Ferguson.

Riley Ferguson, 18

How was your year as school captain?

I really enjoyed my year as school captain, as it was great to be able to work as a team with my peers to help create positive changes within the school. It has been a privilege to fill this role, and I will cherish the memories forever.

What are your plans for the future?

I am going to begin completing a Certificate IV in Fitness, possibly before the end of the year, and then study either Exercise Physiology or Physiotherapy. I would also like to start my own business within the industry.

Caloundra State High School

Caloundra State High School Captain Jack Webster.
Caloundra State High School Captain Jack Webster.

Jack Webster, 18

How was your year as school captain? I had an amazing year, it was so much fun to be involved in the leadership of the school. We have such a welcoming and diverse community, and I was proud to be involved in making all students want to be here, to learn. What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned? I have learnt to interact with a wide range of people, and help to solve problems using communication skills. Listening to others is really important in a school community, and I learnt from our principal that not everyone see’s the world in the same way.

What are your plans for the future?

I will be studying a commerce degree at university, as well as work part-time.

Caloundra State High School Captain Jasminder Daley.
Caloundra State High School Captain Jasminder Daley.

Jasminder Daley, 18

How was your year as school captain?

It was absolutely awesome. We celebrated our school’s 60th anniversary with a Diamond Jubilee which was a great success. There were stalls ran by students, fireworks, raffles and performances on all evening. Our student council also began the Environmental Club this year where we created lesson plans, events, and educational videos designed to establish an environmental awareness in students. Recently, we hosted our annual award ceremonies. It was great to celebrate the academic and sporting successes of so many of the students in our school.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed being able to interact with students and teachers from all grades, making everyone feel welcome. School captain also gives you the opportunity to further your public-speaking abilities, organisation skills and networking. I think leadership is something everyone should get involved in and I would definitely recommend it to future senior students.

What are your plans for the future?

I will be studying civil and environmental engineering at university. I also aim to travel overseas to countries I haven’t been yet and volunteer on exchange.

Coolum State High School 

Coolum State High School Captain Jye Francey.
Coolum State High School Captain Jye Francey.

Name: Jye Francey, 18

How was your year as school captain?

This year has been amazing, but it went by so quickly! We were told at the start of the year just how quickly it would pass and you don’t really take it seriously. I now fully appreciate how your ‘year of lasts’ can fly by in the blink of an eye.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to expand on my public speaking skills through various school and community events, such as Anzac Day. Through these events I have enjoyed meeting and interacting with new people throughout the community.

What are your plans for the future?

During the year I undertook pilot testing with the Royal Australian Air Force. The testing took several days and was very intense. I performed well and was offered Weapons Systems Officer (Navigator). I turned it down however, to pursue Pilot again in 2024; you only get two shots at it, so next time I intend to go one better. In the meantime, I will undertake an Advanced Business Degree majoring in Finance at university.

Coolum State High School Captain Layla Johnstone.
Coolum State High School Captain Layla Johnstone.

Layla Johnstone, 17

How was your year as school captain?

Reflecting on my year as School Captain, it has been the most rewarding experience! I loved being on stage speaking to the entire school, and encouraging the younger years to be the best they can be. The greatest development for me personally was my determination to always be an upstanding role model to students. Additionally, we as a leadership team have gained new skills and qualities to work effectively as a team, which we will carry into our future years.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

School Captaincy has been fun! I enjoyed the Anzac Day ceremony where I was given the opportunity to speak in front of hundreds of Coolum Beach locals. Not only was that a rewarding experience, but it also provided an opportunity to dig deeper into Anzac Day, and the true meaning behind it; how our two countries came together and united for an important cause.

What are your plans for the future?

Although I am very sad to leave school this year, I am very excited to start my Bachelor of Laws Degree and continue to pursue my dream of becoming a Barrister. I will continue working at the Coolum Surf Club while studying, BUT I fully intend to reach for the stars just as my teachers have encouraged me to do!

Glasshouse Christian College

Glasshouse Christian College Arno Mens.
Glasshouse Christian College Arno Mens.

Arno Mens, 18

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain helped myself grow as a student and grow the sense of community and culture within the school. I began the year with doubts but by the end, I can say that applying for school captain was one of the best decisions I‘ve made.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to make a real impact on the younger students who look up to me and I’ve realised the magnitude of potential positive influence that a leadership position can bring.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to study Pharmacy at UQ while continuing my entrepreneurial venture, Solbot.

Glasshouse Christian College Lize Kasselman.
Glasshouse Christian College Lize Kasselman.

Lize Kasselman, 18

How was your year as school captain?

Being School Captain this year has been a tremendous privilege! Watching and playing a role in the development of the Student Body throughout the year and the College‘s spiritual growth has been the most rewarding experience I could have asked for.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed the opportunities to speak to and meet both students and dignitaries and learned to think on my feet and be prepared for anything when speaking in front of a crowd.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to attend University to study in the STEM or health field and eventually become a working professional. I also hope to travel to new places, meet people, experience different cultures and see the wonders of the world. I‘m excited to see where God leads me!

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

Good Shepherd Lutheran College Tiana Bourne.
Good Shepherd Lutheran College Tiana Bourne.

Tiana Bourne, 17

How was your year as school captain?

My year as a school captain was absolutely amazing! I formed strong bonds with the other college captains, which helped us excel as leaders. Being a school captain was such a rewarding experience. I got to represent our school, organise fun activities, and collaborate closely with teachers and students. It was a truly memorable and enjoyable journey!

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed many aspects of being a school captain, particularly the relationships I have built among the school community. I strongly believe being a captain means being someone who is always there for anyone, compassionate and kind-hearted. Therefore, throughout the year I made it a rule always to be a friendly face to everyone, to check up on my peers, and be there for them when they needed me. This was not only rewarding but also helped strengthen the school community. Overall, it‘s been an amazing opportunity and has helped me grow as a leader and as an individual.

What do you want to study next year?

I was a bit unsure for a little bit and didn’t know what I was interested in doing. But then all of a sudden it hit me, I was sitting in class listening to my favourite teacher give us a pep talk for our externals that were coming up and I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. I knew that I wanted to make a difference in teenagers‘ lives and be someone they could count on. So, next year I will be studying at Sunshine Coast University for a Bachelor of Education (secondary), majoring in Physical education and health, and minor in Math.

Good Shepherd Lutheran College Regan McDermott.
Good Shepherd Lutheran College Regan McDermott.

Regan McDermott, 17

How was your year as school captain?


What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

The year flew by but I found it very educational. I learned a lot about leadership and had a lot of fun.

I’ve enjoyed being able to connect with the younger year levels and planning fun and memorable events with my own cohort. This year I’ve learned that I enjoy the responsibility that comes with roles such as this.

What are your plans for the future?

After a busy year I’ve decided to take a gap year, then head to uni to study law.

Name: Tiernan O’Rourke

Good Shepherd Lutheran College Tiernan O'Rourke.
Good Shepherd Lutheran College Tiernan O'Rourke.

Tiernan O’Rourke, 18

How was your year as school captain?

My year school captain was fantastic. The opportunity has been an amazing experience and I have enjoyed every day.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

In particular I enjoyed making relationships with my peers and working with my school community to facilitate a greater sense of school connectedness.

What are your plans for the future?

To attend university and attain true happiness.

Good Shepherd Lutheran College Fynn Thompson.
Good Shepherd Lutheran College Fynn Thompson.

Fynn Thompson, 18

How was your year as school captain?

During my time as a school captain, I found the experience to be both challenging and rewarding. It was an honour to be entrusted with such a leadership role, and it taught me valuable lessons about responsibility, teamwork, and communication. One of the most significant aspects of being a school captain was the opportunity to represent the student body.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

What I‘ve particularly relished about this role is the opportunity to make a positive impact on the school community. It’s a truly rewarding experience to see the tangible results of our efforts in addressing the concerns and suggestions of my fellow studentsPerhaps the most significant lesson has been that of responsibility. This role has taught me to take ownership of my commitments and be accountable for my actions.

What are your plans for the future?

Once the school year is over I will be attending QTAS (University of Tasmania) to study nautical science. The many skills that I have learned at GSLC as a College Vice Captain will help me in the future as role model for upcoming people striving for greatness.

Kawana Waters State College 

Kawana Waters State College Captain Alexander Desmond.
Kawana Waters State College Captain Alexander Desmond.

Alex Desmond, 17

How was your year as school captain?

Serving as a school captain taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, responsibility, and communication. Balancing the multiple responsibilities of being school captain while prioritising my studies and assessments helped improve my time management and decision-making skills. Working with the different student bodies allowed me to grow my networks and friendships throughout the year.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed working with the other student leaders and teachers at KWSC to improve the college for future students. The chance to lead various STEM projects, events, and activities that brought students together, was particularly fulfilling. Being College Captain has improved my confidence with public speaking and working with outside business partners involved with KWSC.

What are your plans for the future?

Next year I plan to go to University in Brisbane to study Engineering full time. This will allow me to follow my passion in Math and Science. I’ll also continue keeping fit and healthy by going to the gym and playing soccer.

Kawana Waters State College Captain Erin-Leigh Desmet.
Kawana Waters State College Captain Erin-Leigh Desmet.

Erin-Leigh Desmet, 18

How was your year as school captain?

During my captaincy, my primary focus was on promoting the mental wellbeing of our campus community. Implementing various initiatives, such as distributing lollipops to students in the hopes of brightening their days. Additionally, I dedicated time to organising events like ‘RUOK Day’ and ’Wear It Purple Day,’ which were aimed at creating a sense of inclusivity and support for our fellow students.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

My time as college captain was truly rewarding. It gave me the opportunity to work and learn from others, which I found to be a valuable experience. During my time as captain, I came to understand the true essence of leadership, recognising the need to step out of one‘s comfort zone.

What are your plans for the future?

After high school I plan to go straight to university and study veterinary science. Animals have been a passion of mine since I was a little kid. Additionally, I hope to do some travelling as well. I would like to see the many beautiful places around the world.

Kawana Waters State College Captain Ben Fowler.
Kawana Waters State College Captain Ben Fowler.

Benjamin James Fowler, 18

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain was enjoyable. It was stressful of course, grade 12 will do that to a person. However, in terms of leadership, I believe I did very well. My school is great and my fellow captains are excellent.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have very thoroughly enjoyed working with my fellow captains. I believe they were an excellent team and made being a school captain enjoyable as opposed to tiresome. I’ve learned much in the way of leadership, especially around speeches. I’ve learnt, especially at a high school level, that the key to speeches is the delivery, not the content. The content should be well thought-out of course, but good content is nothing without a well-planned delivery on top.

What are your plans for the future?

Next year I hope to move to Brisbane to study a double degree of Engineering and Arts at UQ. I hope to major in Japanese in arts, and hopefully, eventually, work in engineering in Japan. A man can dream.

Kawana Waters State College Captain Olivia Emsden.
Kawana Waters State College Captain Olivia Emsden.

Olivia Emsden, 17

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future is it carry the invaluable experiences and skills I gained this year as a school captain into my future endeavours. I have a strong desire to continue my journey of leadership, into my higher education at University of the Sunshine Coast to expand my knowledge and expertise. Whether it’s through academics, community involvement, workplace experience, or career choices, I aspire to make a positive impact on the world around me. I remain committed to the principles of teamwork, communication and empathy that I learned during my time as school captain, and I‘m excited to see where this path of personal growth and societal contribution will lead me in the years to come.

Maroochydore State High School 

Maroochydore State High School Captain Chaitanya Devane.
Maroochydore State High School Captain Chaitanya Devane.

Chaitanya Devane, 17

How was your year as school captain?

My great experience as school captain was influenced by opportunities. Planning, involvement, and reflection over the year was warmly welcomed and encouraged by everyone in our student council. Hence, everyone’s enthusiasm and collaboration, supported by engaged teachers, was the cornerstone of success for the team. However, the greatest takeaway was the opportunity to share unique responsibilities with new-found friends throughout the year.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

Learning prospects were frequent – consisting of public speaking, civic engagement and problem solving. Overall, the unique experience to represent the school and host school-wide events fostered great confidence and pride.

What are your plans for the future?

I am keen to explore intriguing options. However, studying engineering has been a lifelong goal that I wish to fulfil first. I strive to participate in sports, leadership, and academia to the best of my ability to keep improving. Otherwise, surfing, travel, and time with friends encompass some personal interests that will keep me entertained.

Maroochydore State High School Captain Charlie Findlay.
Maroochydore State High School Captain Charlie Findlay.

Charlie Findlay, 17

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain was very educational but fun as I got to experience a whole range of leadership activities, I never thought I could do.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

As school captain throughout this year, I have enjoyed planning engaging events for the school to raise money such as themed free dress days, touch football competitions and more. In my time as a school captain, I have learned to go outside my conform zone as I participated in the Lions Youth of The Year, and I had the amazing opportunity to meet the most caring and determined group of people.

What are your plans for the future?

In my future I plan to go to the University of the Sunshine Coast and complete my Bachelor of Primary Education degree to become a primary school teacher. I also hope to be drafted for the AFLW as well in the future too. On top of these plans, I would overall love to travel around Europe and get to experience different walks of life.

Maroochydore State High School Captain Jessie Kent.
Maroochydore State High School Captain Jessie Kent.

Jessie Kent, 17

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain has been an amazing experience and opportunity. I have loved school from a very young age, so being able to work closer with my peers, teachers, and inner-school community has been an enriching experience. I have loved organising lunch time activates and working on inner-school projects.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

Working with my peers and watching new projects come to fruition has been rewarding. I‘ve enjoyed collaborating with the inner school community to form meaningful connections and provide help to those in need. I’ve learned the value of teamwork, effective communication, and listening to different points of view.

What are your plans for the future?

Next year I am studying at the University of Sunshine Coast, studying a ‘Bachelor of Psychology (Honours). In long-term goals I want to be a clinical psychologist. Motivated by a strong desire to have a significant impact on other people‘s lives, making them feel seen, heard, and valued.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College 

Matthew Flinders Anglican College Co Vice Captain William Min.
Matthew Flinders Anglican College Co Vice Captain William Min.

William Min, 17

How was your year as school vice captain?

My year as a school vice-captain at Flinders was a journey for me. I knew I wasn‘t fully prepared to be a captain at the beginning of the year but I gave it a shot to see what I could learn from it. Throughout this year, I’ve definitely developed as both a captain and as a person, which is why - all in all - I’m grateful for this opportunity I’ve had and will remember this year as I continue into university.

What have you enjoyed about being a school vice captain and what have you learned?

In my position, I‘ve greatly enjoyed setting up activities and events, and being able to meet with different students from other grades. I’ve learnt plenty of communication skills, team-leading skills and organisational skills through my time as a vice captain but the most important thing I’ve learnt is the potential I have to inspire people and how I can have fun while doing it.

What are your plans for the future?

I plan to go into the medical field, most likely as a doctor. Additionally, I plan to continue my hobbies of DND, writing and playing video games - as having fun is the most important part of the journey.

Siena Catholic College 

Siena Catholic College Captain Jacob Bond-Norman.
Siena Catholic College Captain Jacob Bond-Norman.

Jacob Bond-Norman, 17

How was your year as school captain?

My year as college captain was an incredible experience filled with many memorable moments.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to lead, inspire and make a positive impact on Siena and its wider community, while also challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone and take part in public speaking which was a pretty big thing for me but after a while I was able to get used to it and was able to show myself that anything that challenges me is possible.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to go to university and study engineering leading me to work in the mining industry as an engineer and later down the track travel the world with family.

Siena Catholic College Captain Jasmin Brady.
Siena Catholic College Captain Jasmin Brady.

Jasmin Brady, 17

How was your year as school captain?

This year has been a roller coaster full of its ups and downs and gave me the opportunity to make countless memories, meet so many amazing and unique people (younger grades, teachers, and wider community members), has taught me multiple lessons about leadership, and has most importantly made me grow as an individual in so many aspects. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

One of the things I have enjoyed most about being College Captain at Siena Catholic College is being able to communicate with a diverse range of individuals and groups. Being able to hear their opinions, being someone to go to for advice, or even just to have a good laugh is what I have taken away most from my role this year as well as being one of the key lessons I have learned: that communication is key in every and any relationship.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to study primary education and become a primary school teacher and to also travel as much as I can to experience new, different, and exciting things.

Nambour State College

Nambour State College Captain Trinity Axton.
Nambour State College Captain Trinity Axton.

Trinity Axton, 17

How was your year as school captain?

This year was a rollercoaster of emotions; happy, stressed, excited; all with an undertone of finality. Being captain fulfilled a childhood dream of mine and I will forever be grateful to have the experience. The work that we put in this year in an attempt to better the school is tremendous and I think all school captains should pat themselves on the back for that.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I enjoyed creating bonds with the other captains and the rest of the cohort through my position. It was a great feeling watching our hard work pay off and the things we planned come to life. Something I learnt was determination; to keep working and pushing through even when things aren’t working out. This year I learnt to rely on myself and believe in my ideas.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are to live a good and full life.

Nambour State College Captain Cade Walton.
Nambour State College Captain Cade Walton.

Cade Walton, 18

How was your year as school captain?

Overall, lots of fun and a good experience. Stressful at times but all worth it.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed working with great people such as my fellow school captains and I have learnt lots about my time management skills.

What are your plans for the future?

In the future I am looking at applying for Queensland fire and emergency services.

St Teresa’s Catholic College

St Teresa‘s Catholic College Captain Raquel Trevail.
St Teresa‘s Catholic College Captain Raquel Trevail.
St Teresa‘s Catholic College Captain Lachlan Webster.
St Teresa‘s Catholic College Captain Lachlan Webster.

Raquel Trevail and Lachlan Webster, both 18

How was your year as school captain?

Amazing, we learnt so much about ourselves and the people around us, as well as having grown personally too. The huge transformation from the shy year 11 students with little confidence in public speaking to being able to run meetings with 30+ people and speak before 800+ people at fortnightly school assemblies.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

We have definitely enjoyed growing both personally and academically throughout the year as College Captains at St Teresa’s Catholic College. It was very special when we were appointed at the end of last year, because we were both appointed School Captains, together in year 6 at Noosaville State School. Being able to work alongside many different people with different leadership has been very inspiring. With each challenge we faced as College Captains, whether it being ensuring all leadership roles have a say in weekly meetings or thinking on the spot when there were mistakes in our assembly scripts, we both faced it head on and we were able to get the job done.

What are your plans for the future?

We both plan to go to university at QUT in Brisbane, commencing February next year. Lachlan aspires to do Mechatronic Engineering and Raquel has applied for a Scholarship to do a double degree in a bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communications. So just maybe, we could be paired together as presidents of the same club, once again.

Sunshine Coast Grammar School

Sunshine Coast Grammar School Captain Edward Simon.
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Captain Edward Simon.

Edward Simon, 17

How was your year as school captain?

I feel the best way to sum up any year of school is you get out what you put in. This year has been an incredible experience because of the opportunities I was fortunately presented with. Whether it‘s meeting local MPs, leading Anzac Day marches, being chased by a hundred little preppies, it has been both an honour and a privilege to represent and work with the Grammar community.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

Although this may sound a bit contradictory, I believe the ‘expectations’ of a school captain have been what I enjoyed most. Maybe they created a feeling of pressure, but more importantly, they encouraged the team to ideate and implement innovative initiatives around the school. This leads me to what I’ve learnt: Ideas become reality when you work as a team. The charity sleep-outs, trivia nights and Grammar News segments were only possible through the connected efforts of the 2023 SCGS leadership team.

What are your plans for the future?

Moving into 2024 and beyond, I have a few goals in the academic and sporting world. I will continue to train under the Sunshine Coast Grammar Swim team in hopes of making a final at the Australian Age National Swimming Championships. I am also applying to a few top colleges in the U.S.A. in hopes of studying computer science or engineering overseas.

Sunshine Coast Grammar School Captain Amy Walker.
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Captain Amy Walker.

Amy Walker, 18

How was your year as school captain?

My year as school captain was both a challenging and extraordinary experience. Upon first being offered this position, I knew that it would be a significant commitment and was told that it would make having free time a rarity. In many regards this is true, yet, because the events and activities I was to attend and sometimes run were initiatives that I already enjoyed doing, and being a part of the work didn’t feel like work but actually helped to balance my study and sport with other social and community events.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have thoroughly enjoyed serving the community as I previously mentioned, especially going on the Timor Tour midway through the year to serve internationally alongside my peers and a handful of Year 11 students. Being a School Captain has provided me the opportunity to meet with other School Captains around the Sunshine Coast. The opportunity has also helped me to prepare and deliver many speeches and helped me to learn what it takes and what it means to be a leader.

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future are quite flexible in detail but definitely will include going to university and right now it looks like it will be for Medicine, Physiotherapy or Engineering. Travel is also important to me and I want to visit Europe, USA, and islands in Asia in the future.

Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vice Captain Oscar Punter.
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vice Captain Oscar Punter.

Oscar Punter, 17

How was your year as school captain?

I‘ve had a very enjoyable year; I feel like as a group we’ve been able to achieve and learn a lot and have lots of fun in the process.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

I have enjoyed the process of meeting new people and trying to ideate ways to improve our school. Along the way I have learned the importance of initiating ideas early, as the organisation process can take a while, and have a new-found respect for the people who work behind the scenes, as their effort often goes unnoticed.

What are your plans for the future?

I have accommodation sorted for college in Brisbane next year and hoping to receive an ATAR high enough to allow me entry into Advanced Business at the University of Queensland. At some point in the next 5 years, I also plan on travelling to Europe.

Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vice Captain Scye Collen.
Sunshine Coast Grammar School Vice Captain Scye Collen.

Scye Collen, 17

How was your year as school captain?

I have loved being School Vice-Captain at Sunshine Coast Grammar School, as it really is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity that I was so grateful to be granted.

What have you enjoyed about being a school captain and what have you learned?

My favourite part was definitely connecting with other students, especially the younger ones. I have also loved working towards one goal with our 2023 leadership team, becoming closer as a group, and being able to meet the captains from other Presbyterian & Methodist Schools Association (PMSA) schools.

What are your plans for the future?

I am hoping to receive a place in Medicine and look forward to travelling the world as much as I can.

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