Suncoast Christian College guard of honour for Year 12 students
There were plenty of tears and big hugs as students from across Suncoast Christian College formed a guard of honour stretching across the Woombye campus to farewell the graduating Year 12 cohort. SEE ALL THE PHOTOS
1/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
2/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
3/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
4/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
5/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
6/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
7/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
8/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
9/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
10/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
11/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
12/25Suncoast Christian College farewells its Year 12 graduates.
13/25Suncoast Christian College farewells its Year 12 graduates.
14/25Suncoast Christian College farewells its Year 12 graduates.
15/25Suncoast Christian College farewells its Year 12 graduates.
16/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
17/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
18/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
19/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
20/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
21/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
22/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
23/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
24/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.
25/25Suncoast Christian College farewells Year 12 students with a guard of honour across the campus.