
Real estate agent Mark Hodgkinson to lose wife Emily to terminal ovarian cancer

A successful real estate agent and father of two has shared the gut wrenching moment he was told his beautiful wife of 22 years had mere weeks to live – despite the family’s active and healthy lifestyle.

Mark, Emily, Ella, and Mia Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.
Mark, Emily, Ella, and Mia Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.

Returning home from a life-changing overseas escapade, 21-year-old Mark Hodgkinson was buying dress shoes to start his first sales job when he met the love of his life, and embarked on his next great adventure.

Behind the counter at the Sunshine Plaza, working the Thursday late night shopping shift, was a pretty girl whose smile Mr Hodgkinson couldn’t get out of his head.

New shoes in hand he bit the bullet and asked her to coffee. The rest, as they say, was history.

The couple were married two years later and brought their two daughters Mia, 16, and Ella, 14, into the world shortly after.

For many years life was good to the Hodgkinson family.

Now, the 45-year-old successful Noosa real estate agent and father admits he’s scared of what’s to come when his wife inevitably succumbs to a deadly disease which has infiltrated her body and their family home.

Mrs Hodgkinson was recently diagnosed with a very rare mutation of ovarian cancer.

The family were on holiday in Canada when Emily, 43, started experiencing extreme discomfort and pain in her abdomen.

A clinical nurse herself, Mrs Hodgkinson knew something wasn’t right.

She braved the 17-hour flight home before presenting at hospital in search of answers.

Mark and Emily Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.
Mark and Emily Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.

“One thing led to another and they discovered she had a 15.5cm ovarian cyst,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

“It was too big to remove. Chemo worked to reduce it in size and then there was surgery to remove it.

“We exhausted every option available. Emily was going to take part in an immunotherapy clinical trial when we got the bad news.”

Three weeks ago, sitting in her oncologist’s office, Emily was given her final prognosis. A death sentence of just weeks.

“It was heart wrenching and emotional and it’s still surreal,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

“The medical team fought hard. They scurried the earth to try and find something to save her.

“I told them from the very start I didn’t want them to ever sugar coat it. We wanted the cold hard facts.

“And they did deliver. In that hospital room she was very direct with Emily and I. She said it was weeks but couldn’t say if we had two or six. Just that she had weeks left.”

The Hodgkinsons left that hospital room with broken hearts, looming certainty and a mission to make as many memories as possible.

“I was fortunate to meet my life partner very young. But to have that taken away just tears your heart out,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

Emily Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.
Emily Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.

“It’s like my heart has been pulled from chest and stomped into the ground. It’s been a constant struggle.

“The hardest thing is what she’s worked so hard for and what she’s leaving behind. It’s not necessarily dying.

“It’s the milestones she’s going to miss out on for everything we’ve worked so hard for.

“I’m going to be a single dad which is daunting and terrifying. I’ve been very involved but there’s nothing like having your mum as a young lady.

“As a parent you always want your children to have both their parents.”

The girls have taken time off school to be with their mother in her last days.

“We’re making memories and enjoying the little moments,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

“We feel so blessed and fortunate to live here in Noosa and have our lives. So we are just recreating moments we’ve already loved here at home.

“The girls went horse riding on the beach together last week.

“It’s about being together.”

Over the weekend the family had loved ones over to say goodbye and celebrate Emily’s life.

Mark, Emily, Ella, and Mia Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.
Mark, Emily, Ella, and Mia Hodgkinson. Picture - contributed.

“It was really special having everyone there,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

“Emily is the most amazing, strong, beautiful and stoic person I’ve ever come across.

“She’s got this infectious way of connecting with people. It’s just so authentic.

“She’s always been able to find the best in everybody. She doesn’t discriminate or judge. She’s always looking for goodness and wants to help people. Which is why she’s the most amazing nurse and mother.”

Her loving husband said Emily also loved staying active and going to the gym.

“We’re very outdoorsy and active people. She’s always been very fit and healthy which is why this just doesn’t make any sense,” Mr Hodgkinson said.

Emily worked as a nurse at the Noosa Hospital ICU where she dedicated her life to saving other people’s lives.

One of her work friends, Nickiah Gameau, launched a GoFundMe campaign to support the family.

“Emily has always been a beacon of light in our lives. Her kindness, strength, and unwavering positivity have touched everyone who knows her,” Ms Gameau said.

“She’s been a loving friend, a supportive family member, an amazing nurse, and an incredible source of inspiration. Now, it’s our turn to be there for her.

“As Emily faces this incredibly challenging time, her family is also facing immense emotional and financial strain. The costs associated with end-of-life care, medical expenses, and ensuring that Emily’s remaining time is as comfortable and peaceful as possible are overwhelming.

“We want to help alleviate some of this burden and allow her family to focus on what truly matters - spending precious moments with Emily and finding strength in each other.”

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