
Tisch Whitie-Beamish kicked police officer in the chest in Sunshine Beach

A drink driving arrest led to a violent encounter with police after a 23-year-old Sunrise Beach man assaulted an officer while his passenger was being piled into a paddy wagon.

Brutal Noosa fight caught on camera

A 23-year-old Sunrise Beach man’s arrest for drink driving turned violent after he kicked a police officer in the chest when his passenger rebelled against them.

Noosa Magistrates Court heard Tisch Whitie-Beamish had been arrested for drink driving in Sunrise Beach on the evening of October 17, 2021 when the incident turned violent.

Police prosecutor Nick Nitschke said the former tree lopper, aged 23, had been taken to the paddy wagon when his passenger began to allegedly obstruct officers.

The court was told the Sunrise Beach man tried to get out of the vehicle and resisted police.

Whitie-Beamish continued to block police with his legs to prevent his passenger being piled into the police car.

Sergeant Nitschke said an officer was then kicked in the chest by Whitie-Beamish during the incident and he was warned to stop or pepper spray would be used.

Defence lawyer Laura Turner said the 23-year-old admitted to his “reckless and foolish” behaviour which escalated from drink driving to more criminal charges.

“You were a provisional driver and you blew … 0.117 (per cent),” Magistrate Haydn Stjernqvist said.

“How did it go from that to your [passenger] fighting the police.

“It’s stupid … all you had to do was comply.”

Whitie-Beamish pleaded guilty to serious assault and obstructing police and was fined $900, and ordered to pay $300 in compensation to police.

No convictions were recorded.

The 23-year-old pleaded guilty to drink driving in an earlier appearance and was fined $700 and disqualified from driving for three months, with a conviction recorded.

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