
Sunshine Coast bricklayer extradited to Adelaide on historical child sex charges

A court has heard how a Sunshine Coast bricklaying business owner has been “hiding in plain sight” awaiting possible historical child sex charges, where police allege he impregnated a 14-year-old girl.

A Sunshine Coast bricklayer has been will be extradited to South Australia on historical child sex charges. Picture: David Clarke/File
A Sunshine Coast bricklayer has been will be extradited to South Australia on historical child sex charges. Picture: David Clarke/File

A Sunshine Coast bricklayer will be extradited to South Australia on historical child sex charges where police allege he impregnated a 14-year-old girl more than three decades ago.

Maroochydore Magistrates Court heard on Thursday the man in his 50s, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the alleged victim, was “hiding in plain sight” after he got wind of the allegations of child sexual abuse from a work colleague.

Police allege the Adelaide born man, who has lived on the Coast for decades, conceived a child with a 14-year-old girl more than 30 years ago.

He was charged with two counts of an adult maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child and rape, with an interstate extradition warrant issued by the Magistrates Court of South Australia for the man’s arrest.

In reading the allegations to the court, magistrate Rod Madsen detailed how the victim was sexually abused by the bricklayer back in the 1990s.

The man appeared in Maroochydore Magistrates Court by video from the watch house on Thursday. Picture: Warren Lynam
The man appeared in Maroochydore Magistrates Court by video from the watch house on Thursday. Picture: Warren Lynam

Mr Madsen alleged some of the abuse took place during sleepovers, in a car and even on school grounds.

The magistrate alleged the victim was “frozen in fear” during some of the abuse and how the man would “warn her” not to tell others.

The man, who appeared in court by video from the Maroochydore police watch house, was seen shaking his head when the allegations were read out.

Defence lawyer Chelsea Emery pushed for the man’s conditional release so he can face his charges at Christies Beach Magistrates Court in Adelaide on June 17 while on bail.

Christies Beach Magistrates Court in Adelaide, where the man will face court on June 17 after being extradited from Queensland. Picture: Keryn Stevens
Christies Beach Magistrates Court in Adelaide, where the man will face court on June 17 after being extradited from Queensland. Picture: Keryn Stevens

She said the man, who raised his family on the Sunshine Coast and worked as a bricklayer and a business owner for a number of years, heard a rumour from a workmate in South Australia about a possible police complaint. He sought legal advice in Queensland and in South Australia.

Ms Emery said there’s nothing to suggest he wouldn’t appear at court in Adelaide and was avoiding police, but effectively was “hiding in plain sight” as he was aware of possible criminal charges.

She said his family booked a flight for him to return to South Australia on Saturday.

Police prosecutor Tara Miles said it will be alleged the man had sex with the 14-year-old girl, impregnated her and was paying child support for them. Senior Constable Miles said he was also DNA matched to be the father of the child.

Mr Madsen refused the man bail and ordered him to be placed in the custody of a South Australia detective to appear in Christie Beach Magistrates Court next week.

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