
New name taps into blood bank’s vital service

The Red Cross has welcomed a new name while opening its doors for a reality TV show.

DONATING: Derek Vanderkoogh gives blood at Nambour with the help of Karlene LeCouteur Photo: Warren Lynam
DONATING: Derek Vanderkoogh gives blood at Nambour with the help of Karlene LeCouteur Photo: Warren Lynam

CHANGE is in the air at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service with the organisation welcoming a new name and opening its doors for a reality television show.

The newly named Lifeblood is awaiting the release of the new eight-part, reality television series which will air every Saturday on Channel 9.

Giving Life will look at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood’s donor centres where 1.5 million generous donations are made each year and follow the bloods journey to patients who receive the life-giving products.

Nambour donor centre manager Kristie Chan said the name change and reality TV show marked the next exciting chapter for the organisation.

“The name reflects the role we play in the Australian community now and into the future, while also celebrating our selfless donors,” Ms Chan said.

“For 90 years we have been the lifeblood of Australia thanks to our amazing donors, our volunteers and staff.

“Blood is at the core of what we do, but we are now so much more than blood.

“We now provide safe, donated breastmilk to premature babies, we provide critical organ matching services allowing life-giving transplants to take place, and our research and development is world renowned.”

Lifelong Sunshine Coast local Derek Vanderkoogh started donating blood as an apprentice 20 years ago but after a long break his son-in-law’s continuous donating motivated him to start again.

“It made me get off my bum and do it again,” Mr Vanderkoogh said.

The Clayton’s diesel fitter has been donating continuously for two years and said more people should “go for it”.

“Helping other people and doing my bit is just a good feeling,” Mr Vanderkoogh said.

“It doesn’t hurt, and you get treats and drinks.”

Lifeblood spokesman Jennifer Campbell hopes allowing camera crews behind the scenes will motivate and encourage other potential donors.

“Giving Life shows for the first time the real, often moving, and always inspiring, stories of the people who give, receive, and make life possible,” Mrs Campbell said.

“From the blood besties who receive regular transfusions together to the surfer who narrowly escaped death after a brutal encounter with a tiger shark, Giving Life looks at it all.

“We hope these stories will inspire and motivate you to join our amazing donors as the lifeblood of Australia.”

Giving Life will also be available on 9 Now and the Lifeblood website.

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