
‘I’ll pee outside then’: Porcelain python uncovered

A Nambour local was shocked to find an unwanted visitor in his toilet today.

SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE DISCUSS USE WITH YOUR EDITOR - LOOK OUT: Nambour man gets a shock after finding a snake in his toilet.
SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE DISCUSS USE WITH YOUR EDITOR - LOOK OUT: Nambour man gets a shock after finding a snake in his toilet.

A NAMBOUR resident came across an unusual visitor this morning when he found a carpet snake making itself comfortable in his toilet.

Arthur "Roly" Rowsell said he was forced to use the outdoor toilet after finding the 1.7m carpet snake curled up in his toilet bowl.

"After I had a snooze in the heat of the day I got up and needed to do some urgent draining of the bath tanks and sort of went to the toilet, lifted the lid and there it was looking nice and cool," Mr Rowsell said.

"So, I just said 'OK', shut the lid and went and peed in the garden."

Worried about getting a nasty bite, Mr Rowsell called snake catcher Gemma Smith who relocated the snake nearby.

"I assumed he meant the snake was in the room that the toilet was in but of course he meant in the actual toilet, which is a first for me," Mrs Smith said.

Mrs Smith said the snake could have made his way there for several reasons but he "looked very comfortable".

"He could be chasing prey or just looking for a cool place to have a little rest and cool down," Mrs Smith said.

"A lot of the time when snakes are shedding their skin, they will soak in water because that can help to do that."

The fairly new snake catcher said when relocating the snake, she took his location into consideration.

"We try to keep the snake within a certain radius when we release them because they are established in an area, so we try to keep them close but not too close that they are going to go and bother the resident again," Mrs Smith said.

She said there are ways of avoiding a snake visit.

"We're in the middle of snake season and at the end of the day we have to remember we live-in southeast Queensland, so we are sharing our space with these animals and they are native animals that deserve to be looked after," Mrs Smith said.

"My advice would be if you want to try to keep snakes off your property you can ensure that screen doors and windows are properly sealed."

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