
Colour-blind pilot Nicholas McKerrow passes medical exam after life-changing test

An assessment change for eyesight deficit pilots is a game-changer for aspiring aviators who were otherwise unable to pass medical assessments based on a doctor’s evaluation.

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After Australia changed perception tests earlier this year, sight deficit flight students like Nicholas McKerrow can get above the clouds.

The 23-year-old was born with deuteranopia and has no “green cone” in his eyes.

Deuteranopia makes it difficult to differentiate between shades of red, green, and yellow.

Colour-blind pilots are currently only able to fly on Australian airlines and during the day due to their inability to effectively see colour-coded maps, and weather charts.

New Zealand led the way to change testing protocols in 2019 to allow colour blind people to show their ability to see changes in colour charts regardless of their deficits.

Tests were often “done by the book” and only represented a medical assessment without regard for the practical assessment of someone’s ability.

Nicholas McKerrow, 24, is a colour blind pilot who just passed his exams. Picture: Patrick Woods.
Nicholas McKerrow, 24, is a colour blind pilot who just passed his exams. Picture: Patrick Woods.

New tests allow students to show their practical skills in a cockpit and demonstrate their capability to perform tasks effectively.

Mr McKerrow said eased restrictions would change his life but they won’t stop him from living his dream.

“It would mean everything to me; it would mean I could move anywhere and do bigger and better things,” he said.

“If I can’t go (overseas) I’ll keep flying in Australia.”

After passing his colour vision and occupational test last weekend, he has his full license.

He now wants to start a podcast discussing the restrictions of colour-blind pilots and their testing regimes through his experiences.

He said there is a lot of “misinformation” and lack of knowledge about the topic.

Go Fly Aviation CEO Damien Wills said he believes the current restrictions are fair but exemptions can sometimes be granted.

“It’s a deal-breaker for a colour-blind person to be flying at night or above the clouds,” he said.

“It’s not always black and white so there are exceptions depending on the severity.”

Navigation lights are red and green and they are used to show where the planes are travelling to avoid collusion.

Mr McKerrow was able to prove he could see markings at airports, different lights and know what they mean.

Now he said he wants “everyone around the world to have the opportunity to have a go at this.”

His upcoming podcast will also feature another pilot student who is blind in one eye.

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