
Campaign Beat: Qld state election news and gossip

We knew Jarrod Bleijie was an Elvis impersonator, but we never knew this detail about his costume. THIS IS CAMPAIGN BEAT

Deputy Opposition Leader Jarrod Bleijie rocking his Elvis costume
Deputy Opposition Leader Jarrod Bleijie rocking his Elvis costume

This week’s odd, or perhaps not, revelation is Queensland’s next likely deputy premier Jarrod Bleijie carries his infamous Elvis costume in the boot of his car.

Campaign Beat put the question to Mr Bleijie, who revealed it last came out “not too long ago”.

“The Caloundra RSL sub-branch had a charity night, and the MC unfortunately fell over and broke her wrist, and the president of the RSL sub-branch raced over to my table to ask if I could MC the evening and there was a bit of theme … music I’m interested in,” he said.

“I just happened to have it there.”

Mr Bleijie is a big fan of Elvis, perhaps using his song A Little Less Conversation as inspiration to not debate Treasurer Cameron Dick.


Abortion is the great thorn in the side of Opposition Leader David Crisafulli and the LNP this election, as they struggle to get through media conferences without taking a position.

Mr Crisafulli has repeatedly declared it isn’t part of the LNP’s plan, but declined to say whether MPs would be allowed a conscience vote.

The man most likely to be premier is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Giving MPs a conscience vote would fuel the flames of uncertainty and probably hurt the LNP more.

Defying party rules and denying a conscience vote would likely rain down fire and fury on Mr Crisafulli, who has worked to unify the fractured party after its 2020 election defeat.

One LNP party operative confirmed it would spell disaster for Mr Crisafulli.

“If he refused it, he wouldn’t be leader after Christmas,” they said.

For the record, Mr Crisafulli says it isn’t part of his plan to change the laws.


Campaign Beat heard things were getting rowdy on the pre-poll booths in Maryborough.

The story goes LNP candidate John Barounis accused Labor’s Member for Maryborough Bruce Saunders of having his “guys” key his car.

“Political contests elicit a passion mainly seen on the football field, it’s definitely off-side when someone leaves their vote on the car instead of the ballot paper,” Mr Barounis said.

Mr Saunders apparently laughed off the suggestion anyone from his team was involved, but now the Electoral Commission of Queensland is.

Sources tell us things aren’t much better at Hervey Bay either as candidates trade verbal blows in between forcing their election material on voters.


Bundaberg Mayor Helen Blackburn has been forced to play umpire in her community following a shocking scare campaign by the United Workers’ Union to help its MP Tom Smith.

The union, backed by Mr Smith, has falsely claimed the LNP would sell the yet-to-be-built hospital if it was elected.

Ms Blackburn, without naming any party, took to Facebook to deliver “the facts”.

“A lot of residents contacted me and they’re very concerned about the hospital,” she said.

“They’re concerned the hospital is not going to go ahead in the Bundaberg region, they’re concerned the hospital will be privatised.

“Here’s the facts: The hospital is here to stay in the Bundaberg region, it’s going nowhere and it will not be privatised no matter who gets in at this election.

“Think carefully, make sure you know the facts.”

Well done madam mayor, though next time we’d call out the perpetrators of this desperate and grubby claim.


Speaking of scare campaigns, expect Labor and the LNP to ramp up their negative attacks in the dying days of the election.

Campaign Beat hears both sides are planning to go harder as voters Labor discovers the abortion attacks on the LNP are cutting through with some undecided voters.

An advertising media blackout will hit at 12am Thursday before polling day.


For years Opposition health spokeswoman Ros Bates has held two undisputed titles: the MP most likely to be ejected temporarily from the chamber by the Speaker, and Queensland’s smallest state politician.

In effect, what the parliamentary pocket rocket lacks in height she makes up for in unbridled gusto.

But one of those titles is at significant risk.

It turns out the LNP’s candidate in Caloundra, Kendall Morton, is even more compact than Ms Bates.

And unless the polls have been very wrong, she will be elected to Queensland Parliament and strip Ms Bates of her position as resident pocket rocket.


State MPs have been told to immediately cease using their parliament branded marquees or corflutes around pre-polling booths, with Clerk of Parliament Neil Laurie sending a strongly worded email as early voting opened.

Mr Laurie, in the email, made clear MPs should not besmirch the good name of the Legislative Assembly crest, emblems and other insignia by displaying them for overtly political purposes.

“It has come to my attention that marquees and/or corflutes may be being used in and around pre-polling booths,” he wrote.

“I would ask all members to ensure that the use of the logo in anyway associated with campaigning or electioneering cease asap.”

It can be revealed at least one MP — former transport minister Mark Bailey — had a state parliament branded marquee up at a pre-polling boot in Miller on Monday.

But another MP has perhaps found a loophole.

Member for Greenslopes and Deputy Speaker Joe Kelly, who the Greens believe they can unseat, also had a marquee up at an early voting booth.

But the Legislative Assembly logo and other insignia had been taped over with what appears to be Labor-red duct tape.

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