
Queensland Election 2017 results: Premier’s new Cabinet to focus on jobs, health and education

ANNASTACIA Palaszczuk has announced her full Cabinet for the 56th Parliament, including both familiar and new faces for Queensland’s most important ministerial portfolios.

Queensland Premier Anna Palaszczuk (left) with her new economic team Cameron Dick and Kate Jones (right) in Brisbane. Picture: AAP/Glenn Hunt
Queensland Premier Anna Palaszczuk (left) with her new economic team Cameron Dick and Kate Jones (right) in Brisbane. Picture: AAP/Glenn Hunt

ANNASTACIA Palaszczuk has announced her full Cabinet for the 56th Parliament, including both familiar and new faces for Queensland’s most important ministerial portfolios.

Ms Palaszczuk took to Twitter this afternoon to make the announcements.

“Proud to announce that @YvetteDAth will be appointed as Leader of the House as well as Attorney-General and Minister for Justice,” she tweeted.

“Our new Minister for Health and Ambulance Services is @StevenJMiles.”

Ms Palaszczuk sent the tweets in rapid succession, also announcing that Grace Grace would keep Industrial Relations, but add Education to her responsibilities.

Stirling Hinchliffe returns to the Cabinet following his resignation last term as Transport Minister.

He’ll take over as Minister for Local Government, Minister for Racing and Minister for Multicultural Affairs.

Di Farmer, who enters Cabinet this term, will become the new Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, taking those responsibilities from Shannon Fentiman.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk with Dr Steven Miles, who will be Queensland’s next Minister for Health and Ambulance Services.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk with Dr Steven Miles, who will be Queensland’s next Minister for Health and Ambulance Services.

Shannon Fentiman is now Minister for Employment, Minister for Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development.

The new Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for the Arts is Leeanne Enoch, who keeps Science, but picks up the Premier’s old Arts portfolio and Mr Miles’s old job of Environment Minister.

Mark Bailey will continue on as Main Roads Minister, with the added responsibility of Transport.

Coralee O’Rourke drops her former responsibilities as Minister for North Queensland, but stays on Disability Services and Seniors Minister and adds Communities to her job title.

Natural Resources and Mines Minister Anthony Lynham will add Energy to his portfolio, while Housing, Public Works and Sport Minister Mick de Brenni has added Digital Technology to his job description.

Queensland Premier Anna Palaszczuk (second left) with her new economic team, Jackie Trad (left), Cameron Dick and Kate Jones (right). Picture: AAP/Glenn Hunt
Queensland Premier Anna Palaszczuk (second left) with her new economic team, Jackie Trad (left), Cameron Dick and Kate Jones (right). Picture: AAP/Glenn Hunt

Mark Furner has traded in his responsibilities in local government to become Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries.

Minister for Fire and Emergency Services will Craig Crawford, which keeps a North Queensland MP on the frontbench after former treasurer Curtis Pitt was sidelined from cabinet and will instead sit in the speaker’s chair for the coming term.

Mark Ryan keeps his old job of Police Minister.

Ms Palaszczuk also announced she would appoint five assistant ministers.

Jen Howard will assist with State and Veteran Affairs, Glenn Butcher will assist with Treasury, Julieanne Gilbert will assist with State Development, Brittany Lauga will assist with Education and brand-new MP Meaghan Scanlon, who won the Gold Coast seat of Gaven, will assist with Tourism Industry Development.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and members of the 56th Parliament pose for a photograph at Parliament House. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and members of the 56th Parliament pose for a photograph at Parliament House. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall

The Premier said the 18-Member Cabinet and five Assistant Ministers were the right mix of experience and regional representation to deliver greater economic prosperity and government services for all Queenslanders.

“We will build on the success of our first term – working with business and industry to create more than 130,000 new jobs, restoring frontline services, investing record budgets in health and education, and strengthening our economy through investments in infrastructure and innovation,” she said in a statement.

“Cabinet will have equal representation of men and women, and four of the five Assistant Ministers are women.

Member for Macalister Melissa McMahon (front right) with baby Mackenzie at Parliament for the first Labor caucus meeting of the 56th Parliament. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall
Member for Macalister Melissa McMahon (front right) with baby Mackenzie at Parliament for the first Labor caucus meeting of the 56th Parliament. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall

“Our job – over the next 1000 days – is to ensure all Queenslanders win, whether it is winning with the opportunity for work; or winning with access to quality healthcare for them and their loved ones; or winning with best possible education for our children and access to skills and training for those joining or rejoining the workforce.

“Our Government – of 25 men and 23 women - represents a State that will be soon be home to five million people spread across more than 1.7 million square kilometres.

“Our Government will be as hardworking and as decent as the Queenslanders we represent.

“We will listen to Queenslanders and we will deliver for Queenslanders.

“As Premier, I am determined that every day we keep our focus on the concerns and hopes of Queenslanders no matter where they live and how they voted.

“Queensland’s best days are ahead of us. Queensland has the Government that will ensure we can make the most of those opportunities.”

New Member for Gaven, Meaghan Scanlon. Picture: Glenn Hampson
New Member for Gaven, Meaghan Scanlon. Picture: Glenn Hampson

Earlier today, the Premier held the first Labor caucus meeting of the 56th Parliament flanked by her new economic team of senior ministers – Treasurer Jackie Trad, State Development Minister Cameron Dick and Innovation Minister Kate Jones.

She said it was “lovely” to finally command a majority government.

“A few years ago we were a team of seven,” she told a Caucus meeting this morning where her entire Cabinet team will be confirmed.

“We had a few by-elections, then it went to minority government and now we are majority government.”

Making special mention of newly elected Cook MP Cynthia Liu and Gaven MP Meaghan Scanlon, she said Labor was now represented across the length and breadth of Queensland.

Ms Palaszczuk said the LNP had dispatched no less than three former prime ministers to the state during the campaign, “but we sent them marching back down”.

Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga with baby Odette at Parliament for the first Labor caucus meeting of the 56th Parliament. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall
Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga with baby Odette at Parliament for the first Labor caucus meeting of the 56th Parliament. Picture: AAP/Sarah Marshall

“We have a big job to do,” she said.

“I need everybody working as hard as possible over these three years.

“We made a commitment to the people of this state that we would focus on jobs, health and education.

“We made a commitment that we would work as hard as we possibly can so that people across this state can get access to employment.”

She said jobs were the number one issues raised with her by people during the campaign.

On arriving, Mr Dick said “jobs, jobs and jobs” was his number one focus in his new role heading up State Development, Infrastructure and Planning and Manufacturing.

The party room was a family affair, with Keppel MP Brittany Lauga, Macalister MP Melissa McMahon and Morayfield MP Mark Ryan all having their babies with them.

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