
Thought-provoking look at 'local'

Movie 'The Economics of Happiness' focuses on economic localisation against globalisation

ALTERNATIVE: Economics of happiness will be shown in Stanthorpe. Picture: Contributed
ALTERNATIVE: Economics of happiness will be shown in Stanthorpe. Picture: Contributed

JOHN Bylicki wants to make the community question what they know about economics.

He's doing it by screening the movie 'The Economics of Happiness' which focuses on economic localisation against globalisation.

As a business owner himself, he knows the importance of locals supporting local business to ensure money stays within the local economy.

"It's about getting people to understand that if they want a vibrant community with employment, it's all about them looking at local,” he said.

"It talks about things like community banks and credit unions and small farming and community business and having a strategic think about where they spend their money.

"It's to make sure people, more than ever, keep vital funds in the community.”

He said the movie was a thought-provoking and inspiring documentary with a message that was relevant at this time.

Director and producer of the film, Helena Norberg-Hodge, will be attending and will provide a unique opportunity to talk to a driving force behind this movement to raise awareness of this important global issue.

He hoped that if even one person started to question how the current capitalism economy functioned it could be the start of a movement.

"The concept is not new, it's been around for a little while but it's a movement that's got a lot of traction around the world,” he said.

"It requires a fairly significant strategic shift. Some of that is going to be a bit confronting for regulators and politicians.”

Tickets are strictly limited to 70 spaces and Mr Bylicki said more than half of them had already sold.

"If we do this here and we might have something again later and someone does it somewhere else, there is a movement around the world for localisation.

"It's compelling, when you see that and hear what these people are saying - no matter if you're the greatest capitalist - you can see the basis of what this is about.

"You can see how it can be positive for regional communities.”

He said the movie demonstrated how the rise of globalisation did not help the regions.

"It doesn't have to be like that, it can be good. People can have sustainability, they can have economic health, community health and it's up to them.

"It's a choice.”

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