
James Blundell is set to showcase his industrial hemp in 2024

A renowned Australian country music legend turned hemp farmer will open his southern Queensland property in early 2024 as part of a national industrial hemp variety trial. See where to register here.

Nimbin Hemp Workshop

While the Granite Belt is best known for its grapes and fruit, the cool climate of the region has also proven to be ideal for hemp, and a country music legend was among those leading the way for industrial cultivation of the versatile plant.

AgriFutures Australia is conducting a national Industrial Hemp Variety Trial to determine which grain and fibre varieties of hemp can adapt to different climates of specific locations.

One of the nine sites participating in the program for southern Queensland is owned by none other than country music legend James Blundell.

Stanthorpe born and bred, Blundell is a passionate advocate for the hemp industry and will be hosting one of two field days in early February at his Stanthorpe property.

Country music legend James Blundell has put down his guitar and is instead playing his hand at growing industrial hemp at his Stanthorpe property. Picture: Brendan Radke
Country music legend James Blundell has put down his guitar and is instead playing his hand at growing industrial hemp at his Stanthorpe property. Picture: Brendan Radke

Blundell said he was excited by the opportunities presented by the emerging hemp industry and wanted to encourage other growers to participate.

“The penny is definitely dropping, and I can see the traction of the industry moving from intrigue and novelty to greater understanding of the enormous use benefits of industrial hemp,” Blundell said.

“If I can grow it, anyone can.”

Blundell said the variety trial was an important step for industrial hemp becoming a stable industry in Australia.

Industrial hemp growing has taken off across different states around the nation in recent years, with South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania among the biggest backers.

The two field days to be held at Stanthorpe and Narrabri in NSW, are the result of a three-year dedicated research project.

Farmers interested in adding industrial hemp to their crop rotations, or wanting to learn more about the program are invited to learn more about crop requirements, yields and varietal selection.

There will be an optional agronomy session at both field days with AgriFutures industrial hemp agronomist John Muir for anyone wanting more in-depth information on planting industrial hemp.

AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program senior manager Dr Olivia Reynolds said the global industrial hemp market was projected to reach $18.6bn by 2027.

“This is a huge opportunity for Australian agriculture to produce an environmentally sustainable, multipurpose crop that can be used for everything from food to building materials,” Dr Reynolds said.

AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program senior manager Dr Olivia Reynolds.
AgriFutures Australia Emerging Industries Program senior manager Dr Olivia Reynolds.

Industrial hemp can only be grown under state or territory government permits, and while it

contains very low tetrahydrocannabinol content (THC) industrial hemp is high in protein and

healthy essential fatty acids.

Since 2017 it has been legal to sell industrial hemp seed for human consumption.

The AgriFutures Australia IHVT field day in Stanthorpe will take place at Mr Blundell’s property from 10am to noon on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

Anyone who is interested in registering to attend the event can do so on the AgriFutures Australia website.

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