
Severnlea house captains announced

YEAR 6 students enjoy a leadership conference.

STUDENT LEADERS: Severnlea school captains Grace and Livia. Picture: Contributed
STUDENT LEADERS: Severnlea school captains Grace and Livia. Picture: Contributed

School captains and house captains

ON MONDAY last week, assistant regional director for Darling Downs South West Graeme Lacey announced our school captains and house captains on parade.

It was fantastic to watch students in our school take on leadership responsibility and receive their certificates from Mr Lacey.

Congratulations to our school captains Grace and Livia, Severn house captains Eavie and Antonio, and Stannum house captains Tayla and Oren.

We look forward to an exciting 2019 with you as leaders in our school.

GRIP leadership conference

On Wednesday, February 27, our Year 6 students joined other students from across the Darling Downs at the GRIP Leadership Conference in Toowoomba.

Glen Aplin, Ballandean, The Summit and Thulimbah State School students joined Severnlea in this leadership opportunity.

Each year our students combine with other students to engage in activities designed to enhance their leadership skills.

In addition, they have the opportunity to meet and network with almost 1000 students from across the Darling Downs.


At Severnlea State School we pride ourselves at being able to cater for all students.

We are now limited for spaces for the remainder of the year.

If you would like to take a tour of our facilities and meet our teachers, please phone the principal via the office on 07 4683 5362.

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