
Good samaritans lend a hand to storm-affected homes

THE severe storms from last week left many residents unsure of where to start as they assess the damage done to their properties.

GOOD SAMARITANS: Tyler Tones (8), Susanne Ellis, Bonny Heit, Emma Tones (6), Alyssa Tones, Zak Tones (2) and Alex Tones. Picture: Matt Collins
GOOD SAMARITANS: Tyler Tones (8), Susanne Ellis, Bonny Heit, Emma Tones (6), Alyssa Tones, Zak Tones (2) and Alex Tones. Picture: Matt Collins

THE severe storms from last week left many residents unsure of where to start as they assess the damage done to their properties.

One group of big-hearted South Burnett families made the clean up that much easier by going door-to-door in various regions asking how they could assist.

The Ellis, Tones and Heit families greeted residents in Malar Rd, Booie with offers to assist with clean up, repairs and donations of hampers, gift vouchers and bags of ice.

Mrs Tones said it was the least they could do after their home had been damaged after the Boxing Day storms.

"We put together the hampers because other people really went out of their way to help us when we had similar challenges," she said.

"Hopefully other people will do the same and it will snowball."

The Tones family had their three children with them all under 8 years old.

"We wanted to teach our kids that when people are down it's important to provide a helping hand," Mr Tones said.

One resident was overwhelmed with the offer of support and after the horrid week of weather and damage to his property he couldn't hold back his emotion.

"One gentleman was crying at one point, I think he was just so happy that someone cared enough to help him."

Malar Rd residents, Holly and Andrew Wood had significant damage after the storms.

"There were tree limbs that pierced into the side of our house," Mr Wood said.

"A huge tree limb totalled the clothes line."

The couple have been without power for two days and they couldn't believe their eyes when the volunteer clean up crew showed up on their doorstep.

"These gorgeous creatures knocked on our door wanting to help," Mrs Wood said.

"They just got to work."

Even with all the devastation, The Wood family were counting their lucky stars things were not worse.

"How lucky we are, we still have a roof , this is really minor compared to what others have been through," Mrs Wood said.

The Wood family were extremely grateful to these kind-hearted families who gave up their weekend to assist with the clean up.

"They were just amazing, just goes to show the incredible people we have in our region," Mrs Wood said.

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