
Roma Saleyards general manager Daniel Haslop reveals details after mega sale week

A near-record breaking $10m was exchanged at the Roma Saleyards which saw cattle from as far as Alice Springs sold. Find out why Roma is the top choice for cattle sellers.

Roma Saleyards. Photo: Lachlan Berlin.
Roma Saleyards. Photo: Lachlan Berlin.

The Roma Saleyards is still revelling in the success of an extremely busy sale week with nearly 10,000 cattle sold – about double the usual rate.

On May 2, a total of $10,824,837.16 exchanged hands as cattle sellers from across the country descended on the saleyards.

Roma Saleyards general manager Daniel Haslop said 9914 head of cattle were sold at the sale, nearly double the usual weekly number of 5000 – 6000.

Mr Haslop said while it was a massive effort, the sale record of about 14,000 head remains unbeaten.

“Roma has always attracted cattle from throughout Australia, we have sold cattle from the majority of states across Australia (with the May 2 sale) including cattle from the Alice Springs area,” he said.

“There are several factors, including weather conditions, cattle market, and earlier weaning.

“Roma has always attracted vendors with eight separate stock agencies, excellent facilities, and a large buyer panel in operation.

“Roma often sets the market trend across the eastern seaboard with the weekly sale.

“Roma is located within the rich Maranoa pastoral region and broader prime cattle country, with a large number of restockers, feedlots and processors within distance to buy from the yards.”

Roma Saleyards general manager Daniel Haslop was pleased to reveal a massive 10,000 cattle head were sold in early May 2023.
Roma Saleyards general manager Daniel Haslop was pleased to reveal a massive 10,000 cattle head were sold in early May 2023.

Mr Haslop said the success of the saleyards directly contributed to the success of the Roma community and reinforced the town’s reputation as a beef capital.

“This continues to improve the economic and social value for the region,” he said.

“The saleyards continue to provide a place for people to meet from the beef industry, as well as showcase the entire industry to the wider community by providing tours and through The Val Harms Interactive Centre.”

Cattle buyers and vendors at the Roma Saleyards. Picture: Supplied.
Cattle buyers and vendors at the Roma Saleyards. Picture: Supplied.

Maranoa Region Mayor Tyson Golder said the Roma Saleyards remains Australia’s largest cattle selling centre.

“The Roma Saleyards is the largest cattle selling centre in Australia, known for its

record-breaking sales and for being the number one choice for many graziers in

Queensland, NSW and Northern Territory,” he said.

“The Roma Saleyards has always attracted cattle from throughout Australia. Last

month, we even sold cattle from as far as Alice Springs.”

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