
Tiffany-May Louise Fox faces court after crashing her car into a beachside gazebo at Yeppoon while drunk

A woman driving a Holden Commodore while drunk at Yeppoon ploughed through bollards and into a beachside gazebo, completely destroying it. Here’s what happened.

Police were called to an incident at Yeppoon where a woman crashed her car into a beachside gazebo while drunk. Generic image.
Police were called to an incident at Yeppoon where a woman crashed her car into a beachside gazebo while drunk. Generic image.

A woman who crashed her car into a beachside gazebo at Yeppoon while drunk has paid a high price for her offending - but it could have been much worse.

Tiffany-May Louise Fox, 26, pleaded guilty in Yeppoon Magistrates Court on August 25 to driving without due care and attention, failing to give particulars at the scene of a crash, and drink-driving.

Police Prosecutor Sergeant Kevin Ongheen said that on July 4, about 10.45pm, Fox was driving her Holden Commodore sedan south-bound on Farnborough Road, Yeppoon.

Sgt Ongheen said the road conditions were “wet” at the time of Fox’s offending.

“(Fox) has driven without due care and left the road, ploughed through the bollards, hit a gazebo which had two little picnic tables housed underneath it,” Sgt Ongheen said.

“The car has destroyed the gazebo and the tables.

“Her car has continued into another table, spinning the car, with its rear destroying a wire fence which protects the sand dunes.

“In the process, trees, gardens and water mains have all been damaged and destroyed.

“The car came to a stop with its rear hanging over the sand dunes.”

Sgt Ongheen said the damage to the infrastructure was “significant”.

“And it would appear that the car would have been travelling at a speed to cause that degree of damage.”

Sgt Ongheen said a witness helped Fox from the vehicle after the crash.

He said Fox, who appeared to be “under the influence”, screamed that she had to leave.

“(Fox) walked away towards Normanby Street, Yeppoon - left the scene of the accident,” Sgt Ongheen said.

The prosecutor said that at 10.53pm, police received a call from Fox’s mother who asked police to “look out for the vehicle as (Fox) was drink-driving”.

At 11.30pm, police found Fox on Farnborough Road and she was taken to the police station.

“She had mud and sand over her clothing, a graze on her hand, and she was upset,” Sgt Ongheen said.

After a breath test, Fox returned a blood alcohol reading of .110.

Sgt Ongheen tendered documentation supplied by Livingstone Shire Council which sought $32,706.48 restitution, as well as photos of the damage caused.

The court heard Fox had a drug-driving offence on her traffic history from 2015.

Solicitor Felicity Davis said Fox was “extremely remorseful” for her actions.

“She comes before the court with no criminal history but with a relevant traffic history,” Ms Davis said.

Ms Davis said Fox suffered from depression, insomnia and PTSD, and had engaged with services to help with that.

Ms Davis said Fox had previously been employed as a disability support worker and enjoyed that job, however she had to stop “because she was struggling with the stress of the work”.

Since then Fox had worked as a cleaner, Ms Davis said.

In addressing penalty for these offences, Ms Davis told Magistrate Philippa Beckinsale that Fox could be fined or placed on probation.

Ms Beckinsale said “the big thing” was the restitution being sought by the council.

Ms Davis replied: “In my submission, Your Honour, she is remorseful, she accepts that she is responsible for the damage. However, she does have limited financial means.

“Her car was also written off in this accident - she owed approximately $10,000 on the loan still.

“She is also willing to do community service if Your Honour was minded, as a way to pay back the community.

“In my submission, Your Honour, $32,000 restitution coupled with not having a licence for a period of time is going to set her back with employment as well as having to pay off her car...for a girl of her age is going to be crushing.

“Your Honour could impose a partial amount of restitution.”

Ms Beckinsale said it did seem “an extraordinary cost for a small shelter” and she had discussions with the police prosecutor and Ms Davis before deciding to adjourn the matter so Ms Davis could seek further information around restitution.

When the matter was heard again in Rockhampton at a later date, Livingstone Shire Council’s pursuit of the $32,706.48 restitution was withdrawn. 

Fox was fined $650 for the drink-driving offence, $400 for failing to give particulars, and $500 for driving without due care.

She was also disqualified from driving for four months.

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