
Neil Allan Arnold faces Yeppoon court after incident at SoCal Music & Arts Festival

A man was hit with three criminal charges after an ugly incident at the SoCal Music & Arts Festival at Yeppoon. Here’s what happened.

Man arrested at festival.
Man arrested at festival.

A man who grabbed a police officer’s taser at a Yeppoon music festival has faced court on three criminal charges.

Neil Allan Arnold, 20, pleaded guilty in Yeppoon Magistrates Court on October 6 to public nuisance in a licensed premises, assaulting a police officer, and obstructing police.

The court heard Arnold’s offending happened at the SoCal Music & Arts Festival at Yeppoon on May 7.

Police Prosecutor Sergeant Kevin Ongheen said that about 9.30pm, uniformed police officers were at the front entrance of the festival where they were conducting crowd management duties.

Sgt Ongheen said police saw Arnold running “back and forth across patrons” leaving the venue.

“(Arnold) was causing patrons to show signs of being concerned, fearful of (him) and changing their walking paths to avoid him,” Sgt Ongheen said.

The prosecutor said Arnold started “flailing his arms” in close proximity to patrons leaving the venue, and he was seen yelling at those patrons.

Sgt Ongheen said it appeared the patrons were not known to Arnold and they seemed concerned by his behaviour.

Police approached Arnold and warned him about his behaviour.

Sgt Ongheen said Arnold initially appeared receptive to the advice, however he threw his mobile phone “with great force” into a restricted area of the festival.

Sgt Ongheen said a short time later, a security officer approached a police officer and gave him Arnold’s mobile phone.

Arnold then approached the police officer and that officer returned Arnold’s phone.

He was also asked to leave the festival grounds.

The court heard Arnold then said words to the effect of “Oh yeah?” and reached out to grab the police officer’s taser which was attached to the officer’s duty belt.

Sgt Ongheen said Arnold gripped the taser and briefly pulled at it.

“But not with sufficient force to overcome the retention clips.”

The police officer took Arnold to the ground and handcuffed him.

Sgt Ongheen said that after being arrested, Arnold repeatedly attempted to “drop his weight” to prevent police walking him to a police vehicle.

“He was warned not to obstruct police - he continued to drop his weight twice more.”

The court heard that at the police vehicle, Arnold again obstructed police.

Sgt Ongheen said it appeared to police Arnold was under the influence of an intoxicating substance and he was initially taken to Yeppoon Hospital.

“However his erratic behaviour of yelling out and swearing wasn’t appropriate for other members of the public at the hospital.”

Arnold was then taken to the Yeppoon watch-house.

The court heard Arnold had two entries on his criminal history including a previous public nuisance offence.

It was also told that before Arnold’s appearance in court for this latest offending, he had personally apologised to the senior constable involved.

Solicitor Jess King said Arnold completed Year 12 at Rockhampton High School and had been employed since, currently working as a rigger.

“He instructs he doesn’t drink much since the entry on his history,” Ms King said.

“In terms of drug use, Your Honour, he does instruct that he has previously used illicit substances.

“He started that when he was 17.

“It’s not something that is a consistent feature of his life, but something again that was recreational at times.

“At the time of these offences, Your Honour, he instructs that he had been drinking since about midday, and that at the festival he was offered and accepted an illicit substance which he took.

“He instructs he has effectively no memory of what occurred on that day.”

Ms King said Arnold, with his new employment with a crane company, was randomly drug tested.

“He’s been drug tested twice since he’s been with that company, and both tests have come back clear.”

Before handing down penalty, Magistrate Cameron Press told Arnold “clearly it was dumb to take the drugs because you don’t recall what you did.”

Mr Press fined Arnold $850 and no conviction was recorded.

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