
Cocaine, testosterone supplies: Mongrel Mob bikie member Aaron James Morgan jailed

A former bikie club member who fathered a daughter with a Rebels president’s offspring has been jailed for supplying drugs. Find out why he’s left the club and is having his gang tattoos covered up.

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A former bikie club member who fathered a daughter with a Rebels president’s offspring has been jailed for supplying drugs and not providing access to police of his mobile phone.

The heavily tattooed recreational cocaine user claims he is no longer a member of the Mongrel Mob Outlaw Motorcycle Gang which he joined in 2019 after being approached by a school friend.

Aaron James Morgan, 38, pleaded guilty on September 14 in Rockhampton District Court to three counts of supplying a dangerous drug, one of possessing an item used in the commission of a crime and one of failing to provide access to his mobile phone upon police direction.

The court heard police discovered Morgan’s drug supply offending on a mobile device belonging to another drug user.

They then executed a search warrant at Morgan’s address and he was arrested at work at a Rockhampton Toyota dealership.

Morgan offered to supply the drug user with testosterone on August 18, 2020.

During discussions about attending a funeral at Emerald and wearing Mongrel Mob colours and doing lines (of cocaine), the drug user asked

Former bikie gang member Aaron James Morgan, 38, pleaded guilty to three counts of supplying a dangerous drug.
Former bikie gang member Aaron James Morgan, 38, pleaded guilty to three counts of supplying a dangerous drug.

Morgan to supply him with cocaine.

Morgan contacted two suppliers with one initially quoting $6500 for 28.3 grams, but bumped the price up to $7000 before a sale could take place.

READ MORE: Hideouts, players and controversies: Central Queensland’s bikie saga

The third drug supply offence involved Morgan offering to supply two vials of testosterone to the drug user.

Crown prosecutor Edward Fleetwood said when questioned by police, Morgan referred to the $6500 supplier as an “imaginary friend” and his discussions with the drug user was him “talking sh--”.

Defence barrister Maree Willey said Morgan was married with three children – one 16 year old daughter who he has no contact with and the child’s grandfather was a Rebels bikie president – along with children aged two and five who live in Rockhampton.

She said Morgan had been a stay-at-home dad since being arrested, but was bailed to live with his mother instead of with his family.

His wife was in the back of the court supporting him and the court heard his mother still supported him.

Ms Willey said he cared for the children while his wife worked.

She said he had a difficult childhood with his father dying when he was a baby and his mother suffering from major depression.

Ms Willey said Morgan left school in year 11 and went to work at the meatworks.

She said he also completed three years of a bakers apprenticeship, worked as a removalist and worked at Toyota until his arrest.

Ms Willey said Morgan had started using methamphetamines when he was 18 but stopped after being incarcerated in 2014.

Morgan was sentenced in 2014 in the Supreme Court in Rockhampton to 12 months prison with parole after serving three months for possessing 9.587g of pure meth and 214g of marijuana along with having a hydroponic set up.

After prison, Morgan got into bodybuilding, competing in 2017 and 2018. He now recreationally lifts weights.

Ms Willey said he was approached by a school friend in 2019 about joining the Mongrel Mob, and after his release from presentence custody in October 2020, Morgan left the club, returned club items and had two of four Mongrel Mob tattoos covered up with plans for the other two to be covered too.

She said he had also returned clean drug tests since his release.

Ms Willey said Morgan planned to get a job after being released from prison for this offending as it had a financial impact on his family with only one parent working full time.

Judge Michael Burnett sentenced Morgan to 18 months prison, declared 13 days presentence custody and set parole release for March 13, 2022.

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