
Child sex offender Nathan John Dodd allegedly stalks Central Queensland mum and young daughter for three days in Gracemere and Rockhampton

A convicted Central Queensland rapist is accused of stalking a young girl and her mother for three days, as well as masturbating in public in front of people. Read the full details here.

Queensland Police Service. Generic image.
Queensland Police Service. Generic image.

A child sex offender accused of stalking a Rockhampton mum and her young daughter for three days this month, also allegedly masturbated in front of people at a Gracemere park in February.

Nathan John Dodd, 37, appeared in custody in Rockhampton Magistrates Court on March 8 where he applied for bail.

He is facing charges including two counts of unlawful stalking, performing an indecent act in public, and two counts of public nuisance.

Police objected to bail and prosecutor Courtney Brown said the alleged stalking related to Mr Dodd allegedly following a woman and her 10-year-old daughter over three days.

“On the third day (alleged victims) being followed from the shopping centre, the Allenstown shopping centre, to the point where the victim and her daughter continued to walk past their home in fear of the defendant who kept hiding behind bushes and cars,” Ms Brown said.

“To the point where they hit a dead end and the victim had to call her sister to intervene.

“The sister’s intervened and at the same time, confronted the defendant and taken photos which have positively identified the defendant in this matter.”

Ms Brown said the indecent act charge involved Mr Dodd allegedly sitting at a bench in front of people and masturbating.

Ms Brown said one of the public nuisance charges related to Mr Dodd allegedly making crude and sexual gestures towards a woman.

The prosecution said the alleged offending was “only made worse by looking at the defendant’s history”.

“The serious concern is his somewhat disturbing behaviour is continuing,” Ms Brown said.

Ms Brown said Mr Dodd’s last entry on his criminal history from 2021 was a conviction for sexual assault and failing to comply with reporting.

“He is currently on the C4 register as a child sex offender,” Ms Brown said.

Ms Brown said prior to that, Mr Dodd was sentenced in the District Court at Rockhampton to three years’ jail for rape.

“Your Honour, he’s only just come off that parole and then a matter of weeks later committed these offences.”

Ms Brown said prior to the District Court matter, the man had a public nuisance conviction and “he seems to have a habit of breaching orders when he is sentenced.”

“A breach of probation, breach of suspended sentence...”

Ms Brown said Mr Dodd had another indecent act conviction from 2015.

“This defendant has been stalking and making indecent acts in front of women and children, and it is seriously concerning, Your Honour, that he is in the community continuing this behaviour.”

Ms Brown submitted to Magistrate Cameron Press that there were no conditions that he could put in place to “alleviate the risk the defendant is to the community”.

Solicitor Zoe Craven, in her submission, said her client was currently subject to a probation order and a suspended sentence.

Ms Craven said in the weeks leading up to the alleged offences, the man had been consuming “significant quantities of alcohol”.

She said the reason for that, was he was experiencing difficulties after having a tooth removed, and he was “self-medicating”.

Ms Craven said if granted bail, Mr Dodd would comply with a condition not to consume alcohol, he would submit to random drug and alcohol testing, and he would also be prepared to wear a tracking device.

Before delivering his decision, Magistrate Press said the two counts of unlawful stalking allegedly happened on March 2, 2022.

He said the indecent act in public allegedly happened on February 27, 2022, and the public nuisance allegedly occurred on January 30, 2022.

Mr Press said one of the unlawful stalking charges related to Mr Dodd allegedly stalking a mother and her 10-year-old child in the vicinity of Foodworks at Lawrie St, Gracemere.

Mr Press also read details of the alleged indecent act offence.

“It’s alleged that he’s attended Conaghan Park, located in that same street, Lawrie St, Gracemere, which is one of the main streets in Gracemere.

“It’s alleged that he has pulled his pants down and removed his penis and commenced masturbating.

“It is said that he was looking at a victim and witnesses whilst he was doing so.”

Mr Press also read details of the alleged public nuisance offending.

“It’s alleged that he’s attended a shopping centre, Shoppingworld at McLaughlin St, Gracemere, on the 30th of January.

“The witness has completed her shopping and walked to her vehicle.”

Mr Press said the woman heard a “wolf whistle”.

“She turned around and saw the defendant standing nearby her.

“The victim has then entered the vehicle and as she drove past, she alleges that the defendant started making sexual gestures using his hands.

“She’s alleged that he was inserting his finger into a hole...whilst looking at the witness.”

Mr Press said it seemed that the prosecution evidence was “strong.”

“I could not but find, that he represents an unacceptable risk of committing further offences and/or endangering the safety and welfare of the public.”

Mr Press refused bail and Mr Dodd was remanded in custody.

His matters were adjourned to March 22.

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