
Central Qld man jailed for repeat sex offences against young boy

A young man recently convicted of maintaining a seven-month sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy had met the child’s parents before preying on their innocent child.

A young man recently convicted of maintaining a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy had met the child’s parents before preying on their innocent child.
A young man recently convicted of maintaining a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy had met the child’s parents before preying on their innocent child.

A young man recently convicted of maintaining a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy had met the child’s parents before preying on their innocent child.

The man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was jailed after his depraved behaviour was revealed in Rockhampton District Court.

Crown prosecutor Cameron Keast said had met the victim’s parents and then moved in with the family before the seven-months of offending started.

He said there was sexual contact occurred every two or three days between the offender and the child, who was seven-years his junior.

Judge Jeff Clarke said the material before him stated the man started the offending by creeping into the child’s bedroom one night as the boy slept and forced himself on him.

He said the offender then forced the child to perform sex acts despite the boy’s protests.

Judge Clarke said the man threatened to hurt the child if he told his parents about the abuse.

He said the offender returned two nights later to continue the abuse and during the seven-month offending period, exposed the boy to self-made porn.

Judge Clarke said the man also voluntarily told police he had exchanged altered images of the victim child, which were exploitative, on Snapchat.

The court heard the offender confessed to one of the child’s parents by showing them a note about the abuse on his phone and he claimed, when interviewed by the police, the child was a willing participant.

Defence barrister Julie Marsden said her client was sexually abused as a child and was exposed to alcoholism, violence and an itinerant lifestyle.

She said at the time of the offending, her client was confused about his sexuality, had mental health problems and a marijuana addiction having used the illicit drug since he was 15 years old.

Ms Marsden said her client had been diagnosed with depression and had been seeing a psychologist since November 2023.

She said he had also been exposed early to pornography and sexual behaviours and his treating psychologists have determined he needed further treatment.

Ms Marsden said her client was willing and prepared to complete the sex offender’s program while in jail and “start addressing the problem before his release”, along with doing substance abuse programs and any other recommended therapy.

“He’s very worried and scared about going to jail,” she said.

The offender pleaded guilty to one count of maintaining a sexual relationship with a child, one of rape, two if indecent treatment of a child under 16, one of making child exploitation material and one of indecent treatment of a child under 16 by filming.

Judge Clarke sentenced him to four years prison, declared five days presentence custody as time already served and set parole eligibility for April 28, 2026.

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