
Prisoner taken to hospital after assault at Capricornia Correctional Centre

More details around the assault of a prisoner at Capricornia Correctional Centre at the weekend can be revealed.

Inside the Capricornia Correctional Centre
Inside the Capricornia Correctional Centre

A prisoner was taken to hospital and a unit was placed in lockdown following a prisoner assault at Capricornia Correctional Centre this week.

The assault is understood to have been reported about 4.30pm on Sunday, February 25, at the prison north of Rockhampton.

The 42-year-old prisoner was taken to Rockhampton Hospital for medical treatment.

A Queensland Corrective Service spokesperson said he sustained minor injuries and was returned to the prison the following day.

A single secure unit of the prison was placed into a temporary lockdown while corrective officers responded to the incident.

Capricornia Correctional Centre, Rockhampton prison, Rockhampton jail, Etna Creek prison
Capricornia Correctional Centre, Rockhampton prison, Rockhampton jail, Etna Creek prison

No corrections officers were injured in the incident.

The matter has been referred to the Corrective Services Investigation Unit.

Queensland Corrective Services declined to provide any further comment around the incident.

There are 760 single and 967 built beds in the secure accommodation at the all-male prison.

It is unclear which secure unit was locked down.

The last capacity figure provided by QCS stated the prison housed approximately 680 inmates.

Two prisoners were charged with the murder of a fellow prisoner, 31-year-old Benn Schinkel, in December last year.

Mr Schinkel died in hospital in October 2022 after he was found unresponsive with serious injuries inside the prison’s activities building.

Mr Schinkel had been in custody at the Capricornia Correctional Centre near Rockhampton for less than a month for a dangerous driving incident committed at Bajool in December 2021, in which he suffered ongoing injuries that caused him to walk with a limp.

No-one else was injured in the incident.

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