
5 Easter craft ideas for creative children of all ages

THE SHOPS are full of Easter chocolates and hot cross buns and it is only days away until the next school holidays.

THE SHOPS are full of Easter chocolates and hot cross buns and it is only days away until the next school holidays.

In celebration of the Easter period, we have put together a list of Easter craft activities for children of all ages and sizes.

1. Make your own chocolate eggs and bunnies for Easter

The great part about making your own chocolates is you can fill them with whatever you want, decorate them anyway you want and substitute what ingredients you want (aka some people are dairy intolerant and require special chocolate recipes).

Never mind the amount of chocolate, fillings and decorations you 'taste test' while making the chocolates (wink wink).

Here are some recipes we found online you could try:

Good Food Guide Easter egg recipe

Choc-mallow eggs on Taste

Marbled chocolates on Taste

Caramel-filled chocolates on Taste

Vegan chocolate eggs (dairy-free)

2. Add some colour to your basket by dying chicken (or other bird)  eggs

Dying bird eggs at Easter time is a tradition that has been around for a long time. Some use food colouring, others use coffee or other items in their fridge and pantries to create a colour.

You can use glitter, stickers, wax and all kinds of other craft materials to decorate the eggs.

Here are some links to some How to websites:

How To Make Vibrant, Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

11 Homemade Easter Egg Dyes

19 Fantastic Ideas for Dyeing and Decorating Easter Eggs

3. Easter bonnets 

Get out the craft paper, glue and scissors because it's time to make an Easter bonnet.

Much fun and messiness can be had making a bonnet - from the good old cardboard bonnet to grabbing a plan hat and adding decorations to it.

Here are some ideas:

Easter bonnets for boys

Easter bonnet ideas 

4. Something to put the eggs in....

You need something to put the eggs in... why not a hand-made decorated basket?

Here are some ideas:

Forget traditional Easter basket ideas, here are some unconventional ones 

Martha Stewart's Easter basket ideas

25 Cute and Creative Homemade Easter Basket Ideas

5. Set up an Easter egg hunt!

Now you have the handmade Easter Egg (chocolates) and dyed eggs, handmade/decorated baskets completed, put them all to good use and hold an Easter Egg hunt for the children of all ages.

If you have a nice garden, why not set it up in the morning and have some fun outside? 

Otherwise, there will be plenty of great hiding locations inside.

Here is a website with some tips for setting up an Easter Egg hunt: How to devise a thrilling Easter egg hunt

Originally published as 5 Easter craft ideas for creative children of all ages

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