Euthanasia Qld: Voluntary assisted dying debate begins in Queensland Parliament
A bid to shelve voluntary assisted dying laws until more palliative care funding can be allocated has been labelled a "stunt" by the leader of the House.
A push to delay the voluntary assisted dying Bill has been labelled "a stunt" by Leader of the House Yvette D'Ath, who said Queenslanders expected a decision on the moral issue this week.
Katter's Australian Party state leader Robbie Katter moved an amendment to the VAD Bill, calling for it to be shelved until the Government provided extra funding to palliative care.
The Bill is expected to pass with 43 MPs saying they would support the laws.
Ms D'Ath said the amendments, which received the backing of three LNP MPs, were unnecessary.
"To come in here and move an amendment that will see this debate cease and be delayed… to turn around and say to the people of Queensland sorry we're going to put this on hold….to hold up this Bill and this debate this week…. is shameful," Ms D'Ath said.
"This is, I have to say, a stunt.
"It is unfair to every member in this House who wants to speak, who wants to have a say."
Mr Katter questioned across the chamber whether he should "just roll over?"
The Katter amendment was defeated 53-37.