
Three nightclubs to shut down in CBD

A MACKAY nightclub owner has permanently closed three of his premises after a long-running dispute with the property’s landlord came to an impasse.

A MACKAY nightclub owner has permanently closed three of his premises after a long-running dispute with the property's landlord came to an impasse.

Gary Choy, owner of Gordi's, Envy and Zebar on Victoria St, said ongoing structural problems with the century-old building meant he had no choice but to leave.

But a solicitor representing the building's landlords, Blemvale Pty Ltd, said Mr Choy had violated a confidentiality agreement in speaking publicly about his decision to leave the premises.

Mark McGrath, of McKays Solicitors, and also REDC treasurer, said the landlords were now in the process of renovating the building.

"The details are subject to a deed of settlement confidentiality; it's a private commercial matter that has been settled by the parties," Mr McGrath said.

"It is a landmark CBD building that's heritage-listed and they're keen to restore it to its former glory.

"At this stage the site will remain temporarily closed while renovations occur."

Mr Choy has since relocated to the former Main Street nightclub, also on Victoria St, after its previous owner fell ill and moved to Brisbane.

Mr Choy said issues with the previous property had existed for about six years, however, disputes over the lease and rent had come to a head after the recent death of Blemvale's director Denis Higgins.

Mr Choy had a private building inspector investigate the property, who found it was "below-average" standard for a premises of more than 110 years old.

"Once I had the building report done ... knowing the health and safety issues ... I didn't think I could put my patrons in that sort of danger," Mr Choy said.

He said the recent opening of new clubs in the Mackay entertainment district had made business difficult, however, he said the competition hadn't influenced his decision to leave.

Mr Choy's exit was fast - the lease was terminated last Sunday fortnight and within four days the building had been gutted.

The move also means fewer patrons for Mr Choy. Main Street can legally admit 700 people while his previous three clubs could admit 1000.

He anticipates his new premises will be open within a fortnight, and said the venue would feature R&B on Friday nights and dance/electro music on Saturdays.

Originally published as Three nightclubs to shut down in CBD

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