
Rental market still pinched

THE Queensland rental market remained constricted at the midway point of 2012, according to the latest REIQ residential rental vacancy rate survey.

THE Queensland rental market remained constricted at the midway point of 2012, according to the latest Real Estate Institute of Queensland's (REIQ) residential rental vacancy rate survey.

The REIQ June vacancy rates - compiled from surveying property managers from REIQ accredited agencies across Queensland - shows demand for rental properties is still exceeding supply in many parts of the State.

At the end of June rental vacancy rates in many areas remained below 3 per cent, which is considered the equilibrium point of rental supply and demand.

"The first three months of the year are generally the busiest in the Queensland rental cycle so we often see vacancy rates particularly low during this period of time," REIQ CEO Anton Kardash said.

"What our latest survey shows us is that demand for rental property remained strong at the end of June with vacancy rates generally remaining tight.

"While we are seeing an increase in the number of first home buyers and investors in the sales market, their activity will take some time to flow through to the rental market, which should ease some of this pressure on supply and rents we are now experiencing."

Originally published as Rental market still pinched

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