
What do people in North Queensland look like according to AI

What does an ‘average’ North Queenslander look like? Check out how Artificial Intelligence depicts ‘typical’ residents from Bowen, Moranbah, Mackay, Sarina, Hamilton Island, Proserpine, and more.

Typical characters across the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Typical characters across the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

If you asked Artificial Intelligence to draw the average person from suburbs across Mackay, Isaac and the Whitsundays, what details would you tell it?

Would you rely on stereotypes, your own experiences, or do on-the-ground research?

Perhaps you would describe those living in farming communities like Sarina as more sun-hardened whereas you might tell AI those living in Airlie Beach enjoyed the night life.

For you see, AI, in a way, is similar to how forensic experts recreate profiles of wanted criminals.

The rendered images become more realistic depending on how much detail you can give.

And so, we decided to see if AI could not only come up with the input detail but also, create typical characters for nine towns across the Greater Whitsundays including Bowen, Collinsville, Coppabella, Moranbah, Mackay, Sarina, Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach, and Proserpine.

What do you think the typical resident of Airlie Beach looks like? Picture: Tourism and Events Queensland
What do you think the typical resident of Airlie Beach looks like? Picture: Tourism and Events Queensland

First, we asked ChatGPT to write a “short description of an (average man/woman) from (suburb) Queensland” to create our biographies for each place.

These texts, which also generated pretend names for these men and women, were then used as the input for Midjourney to generate typical portraits.

We have included those texts below, unedited.

So what do you think? Was AI spot on, or far from it? Let us know in the comments section or join the conversations on social media.

Note: ChatGPT included a disclaimer at the end of each output along the lines of: This description offers a generalised view based on regional attributes, and individual stories and experiences can be diverse.

Meet James from Airlie Beach

James from Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
James from Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet James, a resident of Airlie Beach, Queensland.

“He is likely in his early 30s, fitting the typical age profile for this coastal town known for its vibrant night life and being a gateway to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

“Given Airlie Beach’s status as a tourist hotspot, it’s likely that James works in the accommodation or food services industry.

“He might also be involved in the retail trade or activities related to tourism, like tour operation or water sports.

“James loves the relaxed, tropical lifestyle that Airlie Beach offers.

“He enjoys outdoor activities, particularly water sports like sailing, snorkelling, or diving, given the proximity to the Great Barrier Reef.

“He appreciates the blend of a laid-back lifestyle with the buzz that comes from the ever-changing roster of visitors to the town.

“Living in Airlie Beach, James likely lives in a single or shared household, reflecting the transient nature of a town popular with backpackers and tourists.

“He values the stunning natural beauty of his surroundings, the vibrant social life, and the sense of being in a place that is on many people’s ‘bucket list’ of destinations.

“James’ life is emblematic of Airlie Beach – a blend of laid-back coastal living, outdoor adventure, and social vibrancy, set amid some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.”

Meet Emily from Airlie Beach

Emily from Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Emily from Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Emily, a resident of Airlie Beach, Queensland.

“Likely in her early 30s, Emily’s age fits within the most common demographic of this lively coastal town that is well known for its vibrant night-life and serving as a gateway to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

“Emily probably works in the tourism sector given Airlie Beach’s appeal to domestic and international visitors.

“Her occupation might be in areas like accommodation, food services, or the retail trade.

“She might also be involved in marine tourism activities, such as leading snorkelling or diving tours, given the town’s close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef.

“Emily enjoys a tropical, outdoorsy lifestyle.

“She relishes in aquatic activities, particularly sailing, diving, or snorkelling.

“When she‘s not working, Emily might be found enjoying the stunning views of the Coral Sea, socialising with tourists and locals alike, or exploring the biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef.

“Emily likely lives in a shared household, reflecting the transient and communal nature of this tourist hotspot.

“She values the vibrant social life and the constantly changing scene as new visitors arrive.

“In essence, Emily‘s life embodies the energy and appeal of Airlie Beach — a lively blend of natural beauty, outdoor adventure, and a sense of global community, all set within one of Australia’s most iconic coastal destinations.”

Meet John from Sarina

John from Sarina as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
John from Sarina as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet John, a resident of Sarina, Queensland.

“At around 40 years old, he falls within the typical age range for this agricultural town located just south of Mackay.

“Given Sarina’s profile as an agricultural hub, it’s quite likely that John works in farming or agricultural services.

“Sugar cane and cattle are the primary agricultural commodities of the region, so it’s possible that John’s work is linked to these industries.

“Alternatively, considering Sarina’s proximity to the coast, he might also work in the fishing industry or related fields.

“John enjoys the quiet and slow-paced lifestyle that Sarina offers.

“He appreciates the close-knit community feel of the town, and it’s likely that he knows most of his neighbours.

“The relaxed, rural lifestyle is what he loves the most about living in Sarina.

“In terms of housing, it’s probable that John owns his home, given the high rates of home ownership in regions like Sarina.

“When he’s not working, he might be found fishing in the local creeks, enjoying a quiet drink at the pub, or participating in community events.

“In essence, John’s life in Sarina represents the quintessential small-town lifestyle — close community ties, hard work in traditional industries, and a slower, more relaxed pace of life.”

Meet Sarah from Sarina

Sarah from Sarina as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Sarah from Sarina as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Sarah, a resident of Sarina, Queensland.

“Likely in her late 30s, she represents the typical age demographic for this small, agricultural town south of Mackay.

“Sarah might work in healthcare, education, retail trade, or hospitality, given the demand for these services in regional towns like Sarina.

“If not, she might also be involved in the agricultural sector, as sugarcane farming and cattle rearing are significant to the local economy.

“Sarah enjoys the calm, rural lifestyle that Sarina offers.

“She cherishes the sense of community in the town and likely knows many of her neighbours by name.

“She appreciates the tranquil beaches and natural beauty of her surrounds, as well as the local fauna, including the many species of birds.

“When it comes to housing, Sarah possibly owns her home, reflecting the trend in many rural and regional towns where home ownership rates are often high.

“In her free time, she might be found walking on the beautiful beaches, participating in community activities, or enjoying a quiet moment at home with her family or friends.

“In essence, Sarah’s life in Sarina mirrors the charm of a small town — friendly, community-focused, with a slower pace and a connection to nature and the land.”

Meet James from Proserpine

James from Proserpine in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
James from Proserpine in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Introducing James, a resident of Proserpine, Queensland.

“At about 41 years of age, he's an average representative of this rural town located in the Whitsunday Region of Queensland.

“Proserpine‘s economy revolves around sugarcane farming and tourism, and it’s likely that James is employed in one of these sectors.

“He might work on a sugarcane farm or at the local sugar mill.

“Alternatively, given Proserpine’s proximity to the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef, he might also be employed in the tourism sector, which provides a wealth of opportunities in the region.

“James enjoys the peaceful, rural lifestyle that Proserpine offers, and he appreciates the close-knit community that comes with living in a small town.

“He likely knows most of his neighbours and takes part in local events and festivals. In terms of housing, James probably owns his home, reflecting the trend in many rural and regional towns where home ownership rates are high.

“In his leisure time, he might enjoy fishing in the Proserpine River, exploring the local national parks, or simply relaxing at home.

“In summary, James‘s life in Proserpine represents the typical rural Australian lifestyle — hardworking, community-focused, and appreciative of the natural beauty surrounding him.”

Meet Emily from Proserpine

Emily from Proserpine in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Emily from Proserpine in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Emily, a typical resident of Proserpine, Queensland.

“She’s likely in her late 30s, reflecting the median age in this rural town located in the Whitsunday region of Queensland.

“Emily’s employment could lie within healthcare or education, sectors that are prominent in many rural towns.

“Alternatively, she might work in the tourism sector, given Proserpine’s location as a gateway to the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef.

“She could also be involved in the agriculture sector, particularly sugar cane farming, which forms the backbone of the town’s economy.

“Emily appreciates the tranquillity and strong sense of community in Proserpine.

“The slower pace of life allows her to form close connections with her neighbours and actively participate in community events.

“In line with trends in rural towns, Emily probably owns her home.

“In her free time, she might enjoy outdoor activities such as visiting the beautiful Cedar Creek Falls, or taking part in local festivals that celebrate the region's cultural and agricultural heritage.

“To sum it up, Emily’s life in Proserpine is deeply intertwined with the rhythm of this rural, community-oriented town, closely connected to both its people and its breathtaking natural surroundings.”

Meet Jack from Moranbah

Jack from Moranbah in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Jack from Moranbah in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Jack, a typical resident of Moranbah, Queensland.

“Jack is in his mid-thirties, reflecting the median age of this mining town located in the Isaac Region of Central Queensland.

“Given that Moranbah was specifically created to accommodate workers for the nearby mines, there's a high chance Jack works in the mining industry.

“As a mine worker, Jack’s days are long and labour-intensive, and he likely works in shifts, which alternate between day and night.

“Even though Jack’s job is demanding, he enjoys the camaraderie among his co-workers and takes pride in contributing to one of Australia’s key industries.

“Despite the remote location, Moranbah is a well-serviced town with a strong sense of community, and Jack appreciates these aspects of his life.

“In line with trends in regional mining towns, Jack probably owns his home or lives in company-provided housing.

“In his limited leisure time, he might enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing, camping, or exploring the surrounding bushland.

“Overall, Jack’s life in Moranbah is characteristic of the lives of many in Australian mining towns — hardworking, community-focused, and resilient in the face of the challenges that come with such a demanding industry.”

Meet Sarah from Moranbah

Sarah from Moranbah in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Sarah from Moranbah in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Let's introduce Sarah, a typical resident of Moranbah, Queensland.

“Sarah is likely in her mid-thirties, reflecting the median age of this mining town located in the Isaac Region of Central Queensland.

“Like many in Moranbah, Sarah could be involved in the mining industry, possibly in a support or administrative role.

“Alternatively, she may work in healthcare, education, or the service industry, providing essential services to the town’s population.

“Despite the remote location and the challenging aspects of life in a mining town, Sarah appreciates the strong sense of community in Moranbah.

“She finds satisfaction in her work and enjoys the close-knit nature of the town where everyone knows everyone.

“In line with trends in regional mining towns, Sarah likely owns her home or lives in company-provided housing.

“In her spare time, she might enjoy community activities or exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding region.

“In summary, Sarah’s life in Moranbah is one of resilience and community spirit.

“She embraces the challenges and rewards that come with life in a mining town, contributing her part to the close-knit community of Moranbah.”

Meet James from Mackay

James from Mackay as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
James from Mackay as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet James, a typical resident of Mackay, Queensland.

“James is in his late thirties to early forties, reflecting the median age of this coastal city in Queensland.

“Mackay is known as the sugar capital of Australia, and there's a good chance James might be involved in this industry, either directly in a sugar cane farm or in one of the local sugar mills.

“Alternatively, he could also be working in the mining sector, in nearby coal mines, or servicing the mining industry.

“As a resident of Mackay, James enjoys a balanced lifestyle.

“He appreciates the tropical climate, outdoor lifestyle, and close proximity to the Great Barrier Reef and Eungella National Park.

“In his leisure time, James might be found fishing, boating, or just enjoying the beautiful beaches that Mackay offers.

“Home ownership is common in Mackay, and James likely owns his own home or is paying off a mortgage.

“His household may have two cars, reflecting the regional nature of Mackay and the need for private transportation.

“In summary, James represents the laid-back, hardworking spirit of Mackay, balancing work in critical Australian industries with an enviable outdoor lifestyle.”

Meet Lily from Mackay

Lily from Mackay as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Lily from Mackay as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Let's meet Lily, a typical resident of Mackay, Queensland.

“Likely in her mid-to-late thirties, Lily reflects the median age of this vibrant coastal city.

“Mackay, known as the sugar capital of Australia, might provide Lily with her livelihood.

“She may work in the healthcare or education sector, two of the largest non-industrial employment sectors in the city.

“However, there's also a chance that Lily might be involved in the sugar industry, or in services supporting the nearby coal mining sector.

“Lily appreciates the balanced lifestyle that Mackay offers.

“She loves the tropical climate and enjoys spending time outdoors, either on the beautiful beaches, at the botanic gardens, or exploring the rainforests in the nearby national parks.

“Like many residents in Mackay, Lily likely owns her home or is on her way to owning it through a mortgage.

“With the regional nature of Mackay, her household possibly owns one or two cars for commuting or leisure travel.

“In essence, Lily embodies the resilient and community-focused spirit of Mackay.

“She combines her career with a strong love for the environment, cherishing the beauty and outdoor lifestyle that Mackay offers.”

Meet Thomas from Hamilton Island

Thomas from Hamilton Island as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Thomas from Hamilton Island as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Thomas, a typical resident of Hamilton Island, Queensland.

“Given Hamilton Island‘s status as a resort island, Thomas is likely in his early to mid-thirties, an age that reflects the vibrant and dynamic nature of the hospitality and tourism industry.

“Thomas might be an employee of one of the many resorts or tourism operations on the island.

“His job might be as diverse as a chef, resort manager, boat captain, or even a marine biologist, reflecting the range of services and experiences offered to visitors.

“Being on a beautiful island in the Whitsundays, Thomas enjoys an outdoor lifestyle.

“He’s likely to be involved in water sports like snorkelling, sailing, or diving, and appreciates the stunning beauty of the Great Barrier Reef.

“As Hamilton Island is largely a resort island, Thomas might live in staff accommodations provided by his employer.

“He enjoys the unique island lifestyle with a community of other service professionals, who together create the memorable experiences that Hamilton Island offers to its visitors.

“In essence, Thomas represents the hardworking, fun-loving spirit of Hamilton Island, combining a professional commitment to hospitality with a love for the idyllic tropical island lifestyle.”

Meet Emily from Hamilton Island

Emily from Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Emily from Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Emily, a typical resident of Hamilton Island, Queensland.

“Given the island‘s status as a resort destination, Emily is likely in her late twenties or early thirties, reflecting the vibrant energy of the hospitality industry.

“Emily may work within one of the many luxury resorts or restaurants on the island.

“Her job might span from being a concierge, event planner, spa therapist, to a water sports instructor, reflecting the diversity of experiences offered to visitors.

“Emily enjoys an exciting island lifestyle that many dream of.

“She spends her free time swimming, sailing, or taking in the pristine beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, right at her doorstep.

“Living on a predominantly resort-based island, Emily likely resides in staff housing provided by her employer.

“She thrives in the tight-knit community of service professionals that make Hamilton Island a world-class destination.

In essence, Emily embodies the spirit of Hamilton Island.

“She combines her passion for service excellence with a love for the unique and beautiful island environment she calls home.”

Meet Jack from Bowen

Jack from Bowen in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Jack from Bowen in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Jack, a representative of a typical male resident of Bowen, Queensland.

“Jack is likely in his mid-forties, reflecting the overall demographics of the town.

“Jack may work in one of the predominant industries in Bowen, such as mining, agriculture or fishing.

“Given Bowen‘s significant agricultural sector, it’s possible that Jack is involved in the cultivation of the region’s famous mangoes.

“A Bowen local, Jack appreciates the outdoor lifestyle.

“He enjoys fishing in the clear waters surrounding Bowen or might be an avid bird watcher, taking in the abundant birdlife attracted by the nearby wetlands.

“Jack likely lives in a stand-alone house, reflective of the local housing style in Bowen, possibly with a backyard where he enjoys a classic Queensland barbecue with friends and family during the weekends.

“In essence, Jack embodies the spirit of Bowen, combining hard work in his chosen profession with a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of his surroundings.”

Meet Sophie from Bowen

Sophie from Bowen in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Sophie from Bowen in the Whitsundays as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Introducing Sophie, a typical female resident of Bowen, Queensland.

“Based on the demographics of the region, Sophie is likely to be in her early forties.

“Sophie could be employed in a variety of sectors, reflecting the town‘s diverse economy.

“She might work in healthcare or education, two significant sectors in the area, or be involved in the service industry, given Bowen’s status as a tourist destination.

“Sophie appreciates the laid-back lifestyle that Bowen offers.

“She enjoys exploring the beautiful nearby beaches or hiking up to the Flagstaff Hill Lookout to take in the panoramic views of the town and the surrounding landscape.

“Sophie likely lives in a detached house, typical of Bowen’s housing style, with a garden where she might grow some local fruits and vegetables, enjoying the region’s fertile soil and sunny climate.

“In essence, Sophie embodies the Bowen spirit – hardworking, appreciative of her environment, and deeply connected to her community and the unique, natural beauty of the Bowen region.”

Meet Dave from Coppabella

Dave from Coppabella in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Dave from Coppabella in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Dave, an embodiment of the average male resident in Coppabella, Queensland.

“Given the town’s demographics, Dave is likely to be in his late thirties.

“The town of Coppabella is known for its significant role in the coal mining industry, and it is likely that Dave works in this sector, perhaps as a miner or a related occupation, such as equipment maintenance or safety management.

“Dave likely lives in one of the modern miners‘ housing facilities in Coppabella, reflective of the town’s housing style that accommodates a largely transient workforce.

“Despite the demanding nature of his work, Dave finds time for recreational activities, like playing a game of cricket or rugby with his colleagues.

“While Dave may not have been born and raised in Coppabella, he has likely developed a strong camaraderie with his fellow miners and appreciates the stunning, if somewhat rugged, Queensland landscape that surrounds him.”

Meet Linda from Coppabella

Linda from Coppabella in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Linda from Coppabella in the Isaac region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet Linda, a typical female resident of Coppabella, Queensland.

“Given the area's demographics, Linda is likely to be in her late thirties.

“Like many in Coppabella, Linda might be associated with the mining industry, potentially in administrative or supportive roles, or as part of the workforce in the coal mines.

“She could also be involved in sectors like healthcare or education, which play crucial roles in these remote communities.

“Even though Coppabella is primarily a mining town with a majority of temporary residents, Linda enjoys the sense of community that exists among its residents.

“She may live in miners‘ housing accommodation and has adapted to the unique lifestyle it offers.

“In her free time, Linda might enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, capitalising on the unique beauty of the surrounding Queensland landscape.

“Despite the often demanding nature of life in a mining town, she is resilient, hardworking, and maintains a strong connection with her community.”

Meet John from Collinsville

John from Collinsville as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
John from Collinsville as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Meet John, a typical male resident of Collinsville, Queensland.

“Based on the town‘s demographics, John is likely to be in his early forties.

“Collinsville is a town with a longstanding history in coal mining and John, like many of his fellow residents, is likely to be involved in this industry, possibly working as a miner or in a related role.

“The work is challenging, but John takes pride in his contribution to the town’s primary industry.

“John might have been born and raised in Collinsville, maintaining a deep connection with the town and its people.

“The tight-knit community, combined with the rugged beauty of the Queensland landscape, is a source of great pride for him.

“Despite the physically demanding nature of his work, John finds time for recreation.

“He may enjoy going fishing or watching rugby league, a sport that enjoys significant popularity in the area.”

Meet Mary from Collinsville

Mary from Collinsville in the Whitsunday region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.
Mary from Collinsville in the Whitsunday region as generated with Midjourney using input from ChatGPT.

“Introducing Mary, a typical female resident of Collinsville, Queensland.

“Based on the town‘s demographics, Mary is likely to be in her late thirties or early forties.

“As a woman in a mining town, Mary may have found diverse ways to contribute to the community.

“She might work in the local education sector, healthcare, or even in mining itself, reflecting the changing face of the industry.

“Mary, like many other locals, appreciates the close-knit nature of the Collinsville community, and she might be involved in local events and organisations.

“Despite the isolation of the town, she enjoys the slower pace of life and the connection with nature.

“In her leisure time, Mary might like exploring the outdoors, gardening, or taking part in local sports events.

“She probably shares the town‘s passion for rugby and often joins in cheering for their local team.”

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