1/13Noeleen Garland performed at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
If it ain’t country, it ain’t music: Sarina puts on a show
Letting the lyrics and melody blend in an afternoon of good music, Sarina proved country can hold its own when it comes to family fun. See the pictures.
2/13Sarina Country Music Association president Graham Day plays the guitar at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
3/13Stephen Zurvas accompanied the performers with his guitar at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
4/13Nita Volker sings a song at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
5/13Roy Garland and Sue Peoples performed at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Mr Garland says he has been playing country music since 1952. Picture: Duncan Evans
6/13'I love my country music,' siad Alison Jeffrey at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
7/13Meg Little sits and enjoys the music at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
8/13Irene Windsor (left) stands with her mother Vi Martin at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Mrs Martin will turn 96 in April. Picture: Duncan Evans
9/13Earl Burchardt mans the control booth at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
10/13Joyce Macmillan (left) and Jenny Dickson sit and listen to the yearning country music at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
11/13Fay Dunstan (left) and Betty Everson ran the raffle at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
12/13Greg Johnson plays the drums at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans
13/13The crowd soak up the music at the Sarina Country Music Family Afternoon. Picture: Duncan Evans