
What to do with corrupt legacy items?

Yet another example of the tangled web of poor governance

Australia Bat.
Australia Bat.

I AM really interested to hear what the people of Ipswich think should be done with the 700 items of memorabilia stockpiled by the council over the years.

It's a big number and even if only half of those were bid in with ratepayers money, well that's a fair chunk of cash.

There's some pretty spectacular items among the haul. A Kostya Tzyu signed glove, signed State of Origin jersey, and a Greg Norman golf club are just a tiny sample.

It is pleasing to see the fate of these items will be in the hands of Ipswich people via the community reference groups.

It is yet another example of the tangled web of poor governance and practice that brought the councillors down. A tangled web which still needs to be unravelled.

Not only was ratepayer money spent on this stuff, ratepayer money is now being spent on the mammoth task of cataloguing all of the items (in the form of staff time, no doubt), getting them valued, consulting on what do to with them and eventually taking action on the final decision.

What a bizarre legacy we have been left.

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