
These are the issues I'll be voting on

Academic's assertion on big issue may not be true for everyone

By Dr Paul Williams Senior Lecturer School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science Griffith University, Nathan campus
By Dr Paul Williams Senior Lecturer School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science Griffith University, Nathan campus

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dr Paul Williams from Griffith University has written "Election fast becoming one for LNP to lose" as an opinion piece in the on-line Queensland newspapers.


Basically it is all about polls and the impact of the corona virus. Strange that because in the groups that I frequent and that are operating at the moment most of those women will vote from beliefs and policies of the major parties.


At the moment a very important election on the horizon is the ACT election on Saturday 17 October.

Basically are you red or are you blue?


In the Labor corner you will support the passed law which risks jail and fines, for parents, teachers and pastors who counsel a child to wait and see on their sexuality and gender. On the other hand, the Liberal Party will review Labor's "Conversion  Therapy" legislation.


The Labor Party has made whole of school "Safe and Inclusive" extreme gender ideology compulsory in all State Schools. The Liberals oppose extreme LGBTIQ  sexuality and gender fluid education.


The legalising of removing gender from birth certificates and other government documents has occurred with Labor. The Liberal Party supports retaining biological gender on birth certificates and other government documentation.


Legalised censorship zones around abortion clinics has occurred with Labor. Liberals do not support broad protest prohibition around abortion clinics.


Labor supports legalised marijuana possession and plant growing whereas Liberal has opposed legalisation of cannabis  possession and plant growing.


Finally, Labor has rejected federal funding and scrapped a chaplaincy program in schools whereas Liberal will accept federal funding and implement a chaplaincy program in schools.


Now back to Dr Paul Williams and what are the important topics from a senior lecturer in the ivory palaces of academia.  His topics are leadership and the COVID-19 challenge.


Now from my "desperate housewives" group why in Ipswich would there be such a great concern in Ipswich where none of this group has been impacted really with COVID. This is of course apart from the number sewing masks and seeing masks occasionally worn or often at the local shopping centre incorrectly worn with moving masks up and down on face and if there were the virus there it really would have spread.


Then again up north in Queensland I  have had a close relative refused schooling because of a cough even though she was negative for COVID and even though the doctor can not hear anything on her chest and after one week away and one at school now another week away and there are zero COVID patients in that whole large rural area and the whole COVID system appears to me a little nuts.


So for Dr Williams in his ivory tower in academia but located in the south-east corner, he is a world away from central Ipswich area and north Queensland. Handling of COVID-19 is very irrelevant to a degree where all those high powered issues concerning those in the ACT elections will be the basis of whom I will vote for and those in my circle of acquaintances.


Glenda Carroll, Bundamba

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