
Ipswich needs real answers

Letter writer calls for transparency report to go back further

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The ratepayers of Ipswich have been misled, lied to, and basically feed a lot of BS by the last two mayors.

We deserve the truth, not some watered down report of the previous council's business dealings, which have lost Ipswich at a guess $120 million through bad management.

We deserve to see warts and all what they spent the money on, including trips, and using the cloak of secrecy to cover any funded business dealings that benefited themselves.

To only go back five years is an insult to the people after you promised you would open the books.

If you expect people to trust this council, it should be from the beginning.

If you truly want to put the past behind us, start by being honest with us. So what is going to be Cr Harding: 100% transparency or more BS for the people to swallow?

Gary Reid, Raceview

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