
Jayden Litfin faces Ipswich court over Raceview cocaine drug bust

A young Ipswich man was literally shaking in his boots when police pulled him over, quickly alerting officers to his drug stash.

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A routine licence check quickly turned into a drug bust when police noticed a young Ipswich man’s dilated pupils and shaky demeanour. An Ipswich court heard Jayden Litfin was driving his Nissan Patrol along Thornton Street, Raceview, when police pulled him over at 8.40pm on December 17, 2021.

Police prosecutions said after noticing Litfin’s appearance officers thought he may have been on drugs and detained him and his car for a search.

Police located two 1g clip seal bags of cocaine in the centre console along with digital scales laden with white power residue.

The 21-year-old, who has no criminal history, was upfront with officers and came clean that the coke was his.

A duty lawyer told the court her client was fully cooperative with police and urged for no conviction to be recorded as the fabricator visited RAF bases from time to time.

“He describes being mixed in with the wrong crowd and that (the cocaine) was for recreational use only and has since ceased using,” she said.

Magistrate Virginia Sturgess warned Litfin he was taking a huge risk by engaging in drug use.

“You have discovered how easy it is to be caught for drugs,” she said.

“It’s an expensive habit to have, not only the expense of the drugs but the cost of paying fines, potentially losing your job, and essentially jail terms down the track if you continue this use”.

On Wednesday, February 9, Litfin pleaded guilty to possessing dangerous drugs, possessing a drug related item, and was fined $400.

No conviction was recorded.

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