GympieThe destruction of the old Gympie Hospital nurses quarters is underway, and while Qld Health remains tight lipped on the future of the site, its immediate future will be as a car park.
GympieThere are currently 25 Australian cities, including three state capitals, with a population of 50,000 or more and a median house price below $750,000. Three of those are in the Wide Bay. See the full list:
Sunshine CoastConcepts for a reimagined Sunshine Coast airport precinct have been revealed as part of a major development scheme as locals are encouraged to have their say on the future of the 460-hectare site.
VIDEOCommunity NewsThey are fearless, don’t mind flies and prickles, follow their trusty dogs to targets and know how to spot a croc. Love them or hate them, meet the men and women pig hunters of Queensland.