
Does the Govt not care about our older citizens?

MORE than 330,000 age pensioners will have their age pension entitlements cut this year, with at least 100,000 of those losing all age pension entitlements.

MORE than 330,000 age pensioners will have their age pension entitlements cut this year, with at least 100,000 of those affected Australians losing all age pension entitlements.

Justifiably, many senior citizens are not happy about this. They are afraid and, as our letter writer on P8 says today, some feel like they have been thrown on the scrapheap.

Through this action and others, it seems Mr Turnbull's government does not place a high priority on the well being of senior citizens; those members of our community who, more than anyone, deserve to be cared for, respected and treated with dignity.

Click here to read one Gympie pensioners feelings on the matter

Threats to cut funding to aged care facilities have yet to be fulfilled or, hopefully, knocked on the head.

Wide Bay Federal MP Llew O'Brien has thrown the gauntlet down on that issue, vowing to not support any government that would do such a thing. Let's hope he is a man of his word.

It looks like many thousands more of our senior citizens will be affected by the pension changes than first anticipated due to the lower-than expected assets test thresholds.

There are winners and losers, of course, and 50,000 more people will have access to a full age pension, but it still doesn't sit well.

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