
YOUR SAY: We should keep Sunday penalty rates

GLADSTONE residents want Sunday penalty rates to stay the same instead of following recommendations from the Productivity Commission.

A rally over penalty rates in Ipswich on Monday. Photo: Rob Williams / The Queensland Times. Picture: Rob Williams
A rally over penalty rates in Ipswich on Monday. Photo: Rob Williams / The Queensland Times. Picture: Rob Williams

GLADSTONE residents want Sunday penalty rates to stay the same instead of following recommendations from the Productivity Commission.

In its latest report it has recommended changes to weekend penalty rates, asking for Sunday rates to brought into line with Saturday's time-and-a-half arrangements.

But Gladstone residents say we should keep them as is to help out lower-income employees.

Announcing the report's findings, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said the Government would examine the recommendations and, if the case for sensible and fair changes to workplace relations were outlined, they would be taken to the next election.

ABC reported that Senator Cash said the commission recommended that penalty rates should continue to be set by the independent Fair Work Commission and the Government has no plan to change the rates itself.

"The only recommendation that the Productivity Commission makes on penalty rates is directed to the independent Fair Work Commission and that is in relation to the weekend penalty rates for the retail and hospitality industry," she said.

We asked our social networkers what if they thought Sunday penalty rates should stay and here's what they had to say:

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The Productivity Commission is expected to release a report that will see some changes to Sunday penalty rates. Do you think we should keep penalty rates?

Posted by The Observer on Sunday, 20 December 2015

Johannes Noordemeer: This is how you keep the poor poor and the rich rich

David Marsh: No penalty rates no work Sunday any more.

Alex Black:  They can do away with penalty rates when banks, schools, government departments and all other businesses go to working 7 days a week.

Shane Macgregor: Unions fought long and hard for those sort of things no there going to target industries that won't fight back and that are mainly staffed by young kiddies and females. Don't think there won't be a flow on effect to all other industries. Go and jion a union today all workers from all industries protect what your union forefathers fought long and hard for.

Tara Chantal Price: Haha imagine if we overhauled Ministers wages.

NicoleandJeff Hulderman: Yes people on low income depend on the for there weekly wage

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