
State government funding ‘manufacturing hubs’

The state government has invested $25,397 into a Gladstone business as part of a wider $17.75 million spend, which the local member says will help create manufacturing hubs across Queensland.

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The state government has invested $25,397 into a Gladstone business as part of a wider $17.75 million spend, which the local member says will help create manufacturing hubs across Queensland.

Member for Gladstone Glenn Butcher announced this funding at Purcell’s Engineering on February 9, with that business receiving a Manufacturing Hub Grant.

“I know the Gladstone Manufacturing Hub have worked really hard to get some great results, and working with a business like Purcell’s brings many rewards,” Mr Butcher said.

“All of our Hubs, including the Gladstone Hub, are focused on modernising Queensland manufacturing practices, and increasing international competitiveness.”

The funding will be spent on six Queensland hubs, one of which is Gladstone, which the government says will help manufacturers grow their businesses.

“Manufacturing already contributes $20 billion a year, to the state’s economy and employees and we want to see that grow even further,” Mr Butcher said.

Purcell’s Engineering managing director Mitchell Purcell said the manufacturing hub was a valuable resource when his business was looking to upgrade.

“This grant will be enormously helpful and with our co-contribution will be used to modernise and streamline our ERP system,” Mr Purcell said.

“Currently we have an old, clunky system that doesn’t allow for remote working easily and requires sometimes, double or triple entry of data.

“This new software will ensure our processes and labour are far more efficient, creating better capacity and streamlining our procedures.”

Purcell’s Engineering employs 40 staff.

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